Signs of a Baby Already Satiety and Can Stop Eating


Medical Video: Eight signs your baby is hungry

If children or adults can stop eating themselves when they feel full, babies are not. Babies cannot talk to you smoothly to ask to stop eating. Then he will usually show a special gesture to tell you that he has been satiated. Come on, pay attention to what signs the baby is full, and whether he has been eating enough or not.

Signs of a baby full

When a baby is full, he will:

  • Baby's hands open and relaxed.
  • A suckling baby will keep its mouth away from the mother's breast or bottle.
  • Babies look calm and relaxed.
  • Babies fall asleep when or after breastfeeding.
  • Babies belch, or spit a little.
  • Babies who are eating while sitting in a chair will usually lean back when they are full.
  • Babies turn their heads away from food bites; or refuse to open the mouth when it is fed.
  • Babies who can eat themselves will usually play spoons and eat them when they are full.
  • Babies who are rather large can shake their heads when they are fed.

Has your baby eaten enough?

the cause of the baby's weight loss

In addition to noticing the signs of a satiety baby, you also need to find out if your baby has been eating enough or not. Babies who do not eat enough can become malnourished.

When the baby is eating enough, the signs are:

The diaper is often wet

The first few days after birth, babies rarely wet or pup. He may only need to replace 1-2 diapers a day. This is normal. The bigger, he will suckle more often and can spend 6-8 diapers every 24 hours. This shows that the food he eats can be digested well by his body.

Weight gain

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, one of the easiest signs to see if a baby is eating enough is his increased weight. A well-nourished child's weight will increase according to his growth curve, which you can see in KMS.

So, you must be diligent to stop by the clinic or your pediatrician to check whether your baby's weight is ideal for children his age or not.

Babies look active and happy

A child who is well nourished because eating enough will look active, energetic, and responsive. Not only limp and silent.

Signs of a Baby Already Satiety and Can Stop Eating
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