Switching from Baby Cots, Here's How to Train Children to Sleep on Their Own Mattress


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It's not always a child sleeping in a narrow baby cot. Yes, there are times when your little one will grow up and move to a children's bed, whether you are still in room with you or in your own room. This is certainly a challenge for parents. The reason is, not all children want to sleep alone, either because they are accustomed to sleeping in cots or afraid to sleep alone. So, how do you make children want to move to their beds? How to get children to sleep alone and teach them not to be afraid?

When should the child sleep alone on his bed?

In fact, there is no specific benchmark for when a child must move from a baby cot to a bed. Just follow the little one's will and talk carefully when he is ready to sleep alone on the bed.

The signs that a child is ready to move to his own bed is when he starts to often climb baby beds, feel cramped during sleep, or spend more time on your bed. Usually, this is often done by children aged 1.5 to 3.5 years.

Even so, Deborah Lin-Dyken, an expert in child sleep disorders, revealed to the Baby Center that you should wait for your child to be 3 years old to be better prepared to sleep alone.

How to teach children to sleep on their own bed

Before teaching a child to sleep alone on his bed, you should tell your child about one week beforehand so that he is not surprised. Give an explanation to him that he is no longer a 'baby' and starts growing big. Tell him, "Now the younger brother is big, let's sleep on his own bed."

Without having to force it, you can teach children to sleep alone on their bed in the following way.

1. Choose a comfortable mattress

sleeping child

Before teaching children to sleep on their own bed, the first step you should do is prepare a comfortable bed for your little one. Choose the type of mattress that is soft, soft, and free of mites to keep your child's skin sensitive. In addition, make sure the mattress you choose is not too high to make it easier for children to get up or down from the bed.

It's best to involve the child when choosing a bed, sheets, and blankets for him. Maybe your little one prefers a picture bed Super hero or animal. If the child has been attracted to the mattress of his choice from the start, then it will be easier for you to teach him to sleep on his new bed.

If possible, place the mattress in the same place as the baby cot. That way, children will more easily adapt to their new mattress because the atmosphere does not change much.

2. Let the child put his favorite items around the bed

choose children's toys

Give freedom for children to put all their favorite items around the bed. Because, children will usually find it easier to sleep if surrounded by items that he likes.

Most importantly, make sure the child feels comfortable and likes the atmosphere of the new room or bed. If the child's mood improves, it will be easier for you to teach the child to move the bed to the bed.

3. Get used to the child napping on the bed

children need to take a nap

Before you train your child to sleep on his bed at night, try training the child to take a nap on the bed. As a first step, you can invite your child to play together on the bed until he overslept. Either by reading story books, playing cars, and so on.

Once he starts to feel comfortable sleeping on the bed during the day, then you can slowly ask him to sleep on the bed at night. Remember, stay with your baby until he really sleeps well on the bed. If necessary, place a few pillows or bolsters around the child's body to prevent him from falling out of bed.

4. Invite the siblings to sleep together

identical twins

If your little one has an older sibling, ask for help from his brother to get the younger brother to sleep with him on the bed. The younger sister will certainly be calmer and safer because she feels guarded by her sister throughout the night. In addition to teaching your child to sleep on a mattress, this can also strengthen the relationship between brother and sister, you know.

5. See the child's response to sleep

sleeping child

After the little one manages to sleep on his new mattress, pay attention to the movements of the child while sleeping. Did he start to sleep well or even look uncomfortable and start whining to move?

If your child shows signs of discomfort while sleeping, pat his body slowly to calm the child. Remember, don't leave your child to sleep alone in uncomfortable conditions.

Don't also force the child to sleep on his new bed if he is not ready. Let her go back to sleep in her baby's bed instead of letting the child fuss all night.

If the child manages to pass one night well, give him a small appreciation for appreciating his efforts. For example by giving a new story book, picture stickers, or going for a walk to the park tomorrow. Awards do not need to be expensive, the important ones are useful and make the little one feel valued when they manage to sleep alone.

Switching from Baby Cots, Here's How to Train Children to Sleep on Their Own Mattress
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