Teaching Your Teens About Prevention of HIV Infection


Medical Video: AIDS in Adolescents: How to Protect Your Child | Keeping Kids Healthy

As a parent, you may be haunted by worries about what would happen if your favorite teenager contracted HIV infection. HIV may be considered a difficult subject to discuss with children, but it is still important to educate and guide them on how to prevent HIV infection starting with yourself.

How do you teach children about preventing HIV infection?

Here are some tips and suggestions for you.

Invite children to discuss HIV

You can discuss HIV with your child when there are news / events / films / series that concern HIV cases on TV. This is a visual way to teach children about HIV because children can hear and see what's happening in the world out there so they get a variety of information about HIV. When done, ask what they got from the news, and then you can explain further.

Some parents choose a specific time to discuss HIV with children. They can use books or the internet to show information so that children can easily understand it.

Choose information

The information you provide must be based on your child's age. For example, teenagers can listen to details about HIV and preteens must understand how HIV is spread, and how to protect themselves with condoms. In addition, explaining about sex before explaining about HIV also helps children not to be confused. Specify so that they understand the risk of HIV correctly and the best way to stay safe.

Discuss ways of transmitting HIV infection

Teenagers must understand HIV properly in order to protect themselves. Guide your child to behave safely by sharing information about prevention and danger of HIV infection. Let them know how HIV infection occurs and some symptoms of HIV.

Talk to teens about the influence of peers and the environment

It is important to teach children how to deal with risky situations such as refusing free sex and drugs. Be open to children so that they want to tell comfortably. Tell them that they will not be punished if they tell the truth. Once you understand your teen, you help build a child's confidence. If they have beliefs about who they are and what they like, they cannot be influenced by pressure from the environment. This means they can protect themselves from bad things that can cause AIDS.

Fix misunderstandings

Naturally, if your child misunderstands something about HIV. You should tell them that avoiding HIV infection means they must avoid people with HIV / AIDS. These misunderstandings can make them afraid, which results in stigma against HIV patients and affects their behavior. If you realize they have the wrong knowledge, correct it as soon as possible.

Sometimes, it is difficult for you to educate teens to avoid them from the risk of HIV infection. Most children do not consider HIV as a relevant issue in their lives. However, educating children is not impossible, especially with a few tips above. In addition, doctors can also give you advice to help you teach your teenagers better.

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Teaching Your Teens About Prevention of HIV Infection
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