Various Causes of Eczema


Medical Video: Eczema & Allergies : Causes of Eczema

The cause of eczema is not known for sure, but the overactive immune system may have a certain role. The overactive immune system responds to the presence of irritants that are usually not considered. Eczema is also caused by abnormal responses to proteins in the body.

Under normal conditions, the immune system ignores proteins in the human body and only attacks proteins from attackers such as bacteria and viruses. In cases of eczema, the immune system loses the ability to distinguish natural and foreign substances. As a result, inflammation occurred.

What makes a person at risk of developing eczema?

Several factors can increase the chances of you or your child experiencing eczema. The most common risk factors are asthma and family history.

Eczema is more common in children who have asthma or hay fever. Eczema is also common in adults who have this condition before 30 years of age.

People with family members who have eczema, usually have an increased risk of disease. If family members have asthma, you are at risk of developing eczema.

What are the triggers for eczema?

Eczema is characterized by itching when one or more symptoms appear on the skin. This itching is caused by several factors, depending on the type of eczema. For example, hives associated with contact dermatitis can be caused by fragrance, and other types of eczema are triggered by the weather. The trigger for hives can be different from one person and another person.

Household chemicals

Many chemicals in household products, such as cleansers and soaps, can dry out the skin and trigger symptoms of eczema. Products that contain perfumes can be risky for people who suffer from allergic contact dermatitis. This type of eczema is an allergic reaction.

Sweating or overheating

Increased body temperature and sweat are usually a common trigger for eczema. Dry and cool conditions are best for eczema sufferers. Warm and humid conditions can become a hotbed of infection because bacteria live at higher temperatures.

Sudden temperature changes

Moving from a cold building to a hot outdoor room can cause sweating and overheating, so that symptoms of eczema appear. A sudden decrease in moisture can also cause dry skin. However, other types of eczema, numular dermatitis, are only found in winter.

Certain cloth

Certain types of synthetic fabrics, or materials that are rough and itchy, such as wool, can irritate the skin and cause eczema.

Other eczema triggers

The cause of worsening eczema in one person may not be the same as another person. Other triggers can include:

  • Stress
  • Food allergy
  • Animal hair
  • Upper respiratory infection

Proper treatment of your eczema depends on the cause. Notice when symptoms appear and note the condition. This can help you reduce inflammation and have the potential to stop the appearance of eczema.

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Various Causes of Eczema
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