This is the result if the child's nails are not routinely cut



Children usually like to bite their nails, especially if their nails are long. In fact, there could be hidden germs in their nails. This allows the germs in the child's hands and nails to enter the body. Of course, this can cause health problems in children. For this reason, it is recommended that children always maintain clean nails.

What are the consequences if the cleanliness of a child's nails is not maintained?

Small children usually hold more objects around it. Then, like to put his dirty hand into his mouth, biting his already black nails, to the extent that maybe his nails are swallowed. This certainly can be a source of health problems in children.

Nails are a preferred environment for germs to breed and live, especially if the child's nails are long. So that, biting or sucking on the nails allows germs on the nails to enter the child's body. This can cause the child to experience an infectious disease.

Some infectious diseases that can attack children due to lack of cleanliness of their hands and nails are:

1. Diarrhea

Dirt on a child's nails that enters the digestive tract can cause the child to experience diarrhea. Children are more susceptible to diarrhea because their immune systems are not as strong as adults. Severe diarrhea can then make children dehydrated and electrolyte imbalances in the body. In addition, diarrhea can also make children experience nutritional deficiencies. So, do not assume trivial diarrhea in children.

2. Pinworm infection

The cleanliness of unattended hands and nails can also cause pinworm infections. Pinworms can stick to the nail when the child scratches the area of ​​his child, after the child from the bathroom, or after the child changes the diaper. Then, pinworms can enter the child's digestive tract when he holds food, biting his nails, or picking his fingers. These pinworms can then stay in the child's colon and rectum.

3. Nail infections

Nail infections can occur if the child's nails are not properly treated. This can occur in both the fingernails and toenails. Nail infections are usually characterized by swelling of the skin around the nails, pain around the nails, or thickening of the nails. In some cases, this nail infection can be serious so it needs to be treated by a doctor.

How to maintain the cleanliness of children's nails?

It is important for parents to pay attention to the cleanliness of this nail. This is one of the efforts so that children are not attacked by infections caused by germs, bacteria, or viruses. Some things that must be done to maintain the cleanliness of children's nails are:

  • Keeping children's nails is always short. Cutting the child's nails regularly is important so that the child's nails are not left long and become a nest of germs. Experts recommend that parents help children cut their nails until the child can cut his own nails, about 9-10 years old. Cut the child's nails after the child takes a shower, this will make it easier because the nails will be softer at this time.
  • Get used to children washing hands before and after meals, and after using the bathroom. Don't forget to brush the bottom of the child's nails with soap and water every time the child wash their hands.
  • Before cutting off a child's nails, don't forget to clean the nail clippers before using. This is especially true if nail clippers are used by many people.
  • Do not let the child bite or bite his nails.
  • Do not let the child scratch the skin around the anal area.
  • Don't cut it nail cuticle children, namely hard skin that is on the edge of the nail. Nail cuticles are a barrier to germs or bacteria to enter the nails. This works so that you avoid infection.
  • Don't let the child tear or bite hangnail, this will hurt the child. Nails are small skin peeled off the edge of the nail, this skin is separated from the cuticle or nail. If a nail nodule appears, you should cut it using nail clippers.
This is the result if the child's nails are not routinely cut
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