Various Skin Problems in Newborns (from Acne to Blackheads)


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It's not uncommon for newborns to experience skin problems. Of course, this makes parents anxious and worried. Some newborn skin problems will usually disappear on their own. But some of them are serious skin problems. Here are the skin problems that usually occur in newborns.

Various newborn skin problems that often occur

Newborns do not have a perfect immune system. Therefore, babies are susceptible to infectious diseases. This can cause various health problems, including baby skin problems. Then, what are the skin problems that often occur in newborns? Are all the consequences of infectious diseases? This is the explanation.

1. Acne

Not only adults who have acne, it turns out that newborns can also have it. A newborn baby may have acne due to the surface of his skin being exposed to maternal hormones in the womb.

Usually, this is nothing to worry about. Because, acne like this will disappear by itself in a few weeks or months after the birth of the baby.

2. Dry and flaky skin

Dry and flaky skin is also often found in newborns. Even though it peels off, it doesn't mean your baby's skin is in a bad condition. Usually, the peeled part of the skin is the outermost layer of skin that functions to protect the baby's body during the womb. So, this is very natural and does not require special care.

However, if this condition does not improve, your baby may experience skin problems caused by allergies to something or even bacterial infections.

3. White blackheads on the nose and face

Blackheads can also be owned by newborns, you know. These whiteheads usually appear on the nose and area of ​​the baby's face. In medicine, this condition is called milia. This milia occurs due to keratin substances that accumulate under the skin layer.

Milia occurs in 50% of newborns and can disappear by itself within 1-3 months after birth. When the baby's oil glands get bigger, these blackheads will disappear.

4. Yellow skin

Your baby's skin is yellow? Don't panic first. This baby skin problem actually often occurs in newborns. In fact, this condition occurs in 6 out of 10 newborns. Moreover, if the baby is born prematurely, then it is very likely he has yellow skin at birth.

The reason is the baby's liver is not perfect in carrying out its bodily functions. So, the substance bilirubin, which is a yellow substance that should be filtered by the liver, actually enters the blood and causes the surface of the skin to yellow.

Under normal circumstances, yellow baby's skin will appear after 24 hours of birth and disappear at the age of 7-10 days. However, if the baby's skin does not improve, this could indicate another problem for the child, such as:

  • Bleeding in the body
  • Experiencing a viral or bacterial infection
  • Lack of an enzyme

To find out your baby's condition further or if you are worried about any symptoms, you should immediately take your baby to the pediatrician.

Various Skin Problems in Newborns (from Acne to Blackheads)
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