Is It Dangerous For Babies Often Shocked?


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Have you ever seen a baby when you were surprised? When that happens, the baby's hands will be lifted up suddenly and then will return to the side of the body. This situation may occur frequently and make parents worry. So, is the baby often shocked dangerously? Consider the following review.

What causes babies to be surprised?

When the baby is shocked, he will tense his body, raise his hands up, and raise both knees. However, a few seconds later it will return to its original position. This condition can occur even though the baby is asleep. Actually shocked reflexes occur without cause, but can also be triggered by the following:

  • There is a loud noise.
  • There is a sudden movement, for example when you lift his body to carry him.
  • Feel the sensation of falling, for example when you put it on the bed.

The shocked baby can be tested through the moro reflex

The baby's reflex is called a moro reflex, a baby reflex that has existed since a new baby was born. This reflex is normal. When you are 6 weeks old, your baby will adjust to life and feel safer in his environment. During that time, reflexes will decrease and eventually disappear when entering four to 6 months. The baby will have more control over his movements and reflexes so that he is no longer shocked or jerked.

Usually after the baby is born, the doctor will test the moro reflex. You do this by laying the baby's body on the bed, then lifting his head. However, his body remained in the bed. Then, the baby's head will be slightly dropped and immediately captured. In a normal baby, the baby's body will show signs of moro reflexes in response; raise both hands up, then return to their original position after a few seconds.

The moro reflex test is performed to determine motor development and the nervous system can function properly. Reporting from What To Expect, if the baby does not show any response at all when the moro reflex test is done, there may be damage to the brain, spine, or nerves. Further health checks need to be done to find out the cause. For parents, it is not recommended to carry out a reflection test on their own because it is feared to cause unintentional injuries.

Tips to reduce shock in babies

Swaddling babies

baby born still wrapped in amniotic sac

Swaddling a baby is a technique that mimics a place like the uterus that makes the baby comfortable. Such comfort will reduce the fear and shock of the baby from sudden touches or loud sounds because his ears are covered in cloth. Use a soft cloth but not too thick and wide enough.

However, you must diligently check the condition of the baby, make sure that the powder does not make it hot so that it causes prickly heat and does not twist it so that it is not short of breath.

When the baby falls asleep

When the baby starts to sleep in your arms, try to move the baby to bed with your body still bent and attached to its body. After your baby's back touches the bed, you can let go of your hands and distance yourself.

Holding a baby

One of the triggers of a baby is often shocked is a loud sound. So that the baby is accustomed to the sounds around him, holding while tapping and singing or making subtle sounds help him reduce fear or discomfort.


Helping the development of motion, you can provide training to the baby by stretching his arms and legs. This helps breathing and the strength of the muscles. However, remember the baby's body is still vulnerable to injury, so stretch slowly and gently.

Which needs to be considered by parents

Normally, getting older, which is about four to six months, the moro reflex will disappear. If the symptoms do not disappear, call your doctor immediately. Then, if the reflexes are abnormal or only move on one side of the body, chances are the baby has a broken shoulder or a shoulder injury. If less reflexes are shown in both, damage to the brain or spine can be the cause.

Is It Dangerous For Babies Often Shocked?
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