3 These Health Problems Can Attack If Pregnant Women Are Lazy Motion


Medical Video: Organ Story

When pregnant, there is a change in physical activity that is usually done. Maybe some homework or work in the office becomes lighter. Too many activities during pregnancy can indeed endanger health, but lazy motion is also at risk for various diseases. What are the risks of diseases that can strike pregnant women if they are lazy to move?

Health problems for pregnant women who are lazy to move

Although not allowed to do heavy work, it does not mean pregnant women just sit quietly at home. During pregnancy, food intake will increase because the womb baby needs nutrients to develop. Increase food intake and the presence of a fetus in the stomach, making the mother's body weight increase.

If weight gain is not balanced with physical activity, the risk of various diseases becomes even greater, such as:

1. Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. About 3 out of 5 pregnant women are known to have this condition, even though they have never had diabetes before. For this reason, pregnant women must be able to continue to control their blood sugar levels to remain normal.

When you eat, the body will break down carbohydrates from food into sugar (glucose). This glucose will be carried away by the bloodstream, giving all the cells in the body energy. Well, the transfer of glucose to cells requires insulin so that the sugar level remains normal.

However, during pregnancy the placenta releases growth hormone for babies, some of which can make it difficult for the body to use insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels will increase and gestational diabetes can occur.

Apart from hormones during pregnancy, another factor that increases diabetes during pregnancy is being overweight. If the pregnant woman is lazy to move, the weight will increase and increase the more difficult for the body to use insulin.

2. Depression

stress and depression during pregnancy

A study led by Dr. Nithya Sukumar from the University of Warwick has found a link between pregnancy, depression, and the habit of sitting for long periods of time.

The research team collaborated with the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust in the United Kingdom and found that depressive symptoms were more prone to pregnant women who were lazy to move aka often sitting and lying down for a long time. Inactivity can cause anxiety and stress for pregnant women, such as thinking about how to deliver, feeling lonely, or gaining weight.

Depression during pregnancy is not only bad for the health of the mother's body, but also disrupts the development of the womb.

3. High blood pressure

hypotension supine low blood pressure while pregnant

Blood volume during pregnancy will increase by 45 percent. The extra amount of blood, inevitably must be pumped by the heart throughout the body.

This causes the left ventricle (left side of the heart) to become thicker and bigger because it has to work hard to pump extra blood. This condition can make pregnant women vulnerable to hypertension.

Well, for pregnant women who are lazy to move, hypertension increases. Why? Lazy motion can cause weight gain to rise uncontrollably. These conditions can increase blood flow in the tissues so that blood pressure will increase.

How to keep the body active during pregnancy?

An easy way to make sure your body stays active during pregnancy is with exercise. So, pregnancy does not mean you have to avoid all sports for fear of having a miscarriage.

If the choices and timing of your exercise are in accordance with your condition, your pregnancy will certainly not be disturbed. In fact, there are some physical exercises that are specifically carried out to assist childbirth. Always consult your food intake and exercise plan with your doctor to keep it safe.

3 These Health Problems Can Attack If Pregnant Women Are Lazy Motion
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