How do Parenting Parents Affect Child Development and Personality?


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Every parent has a different parenting style. Well, different parenting styles, of course, the impact on the development and formation of children's character is also different. However, what are the effects of parenting for children? Are there the most ideal parenting styles? What kind of parenting is best for your child? See here, let's see.

Parenting authoritarian parents

This parenting style is regulating and restraining, requiring children to follow all orders without exception. Parents also do not allow children to be involved in solving a problem. Every rule is usually not discussed with children.

In an authoritarian parenting style, parents often use the word, "Anyway," or, "You just obey!" When the child asks why he or she is forbidden to do something.

Authoritarian care may use punishment instead of discipline. So, rather than teaching children how to take the best choices, parents prefer to focus on how children obey the rules.

Children who grow up in this style of parenting will usually respect rules and authority (such as their superiors). However, please note that children who are raised in this parenting style will have problems developing themselves and tend to be more aggressive.

Many studies show that these children tend to prefer liars because they are used to lying to avoid punishment. In addition, this also reduces the ability of children to socialize where it is needed for leadership.

Parenting parents are negligent

A parenting style where parents don't take a lot of roles, just a little doesn't care. They only spend a little time with children and let children freely, whether watching television shows or playing video games. Simply put, parents who use parenting styles like this never ask about children's activities in school, children's homework, or who they don't know when the child leaves the house.

For some cases, parenting style like this often occurs in families whose parents have psychological health problems or drug abuse, so they do not care about the child's psychological and emotional. Parents who apply this parenting style only understand a little what their children are doing.

Children who are cared for in this style often have problems in obeying the rules. In fact, children tend to break the rules. Because parents only give a few rules that are applied, lack of supervision, and also lack of attention.

Open parenting patterns

Parents may rarely give punishment because they will excuse the child's mistakes quickly.

Parents prefer to take on roles as friends rather than parents. Even they are happy to be a place to tell stories or just go for a walk together. Although creating a warm family atmosphere and children tend to have creativity, this parenting style can make children who are not aware of the rules because they want to express themselves more.

According to, children who are cared for with this parenting style have a high risk of having health problems, such as obesity.

Why is that? Because parents usually allow children to consume junk food without telling the limits. Besides obesity, their teeth will also be hollow because they don't emphasize good habits, such as diligently brushing their teeth.

Authoritative parenting (authoritative)

Do not be confused with parenting authoritarian parents. Parenting styleauthoritative This emphasizes more on children's responsibility, not the rules made by parents. According to experts, authoritative parenting is the best of the three patterns of care mentioned above.

When authoritarian parents always manage children without explaining the reason, authoritative parents are more concerned with the reasons. So the child may be lectured at length about the question of why his actions were wrong, not immediately yelled at or immediately punished. The goal is so that children understand which actions are right and which are wrong.

They also use discipline to prevent bad habits and support children's good habits, for example giving appreciation and praise to children if they do good or have good habits.

Children who are raised with upbringing tend to make children live happy and successful lives. They also get better at making decisions and weighing the risks of the decisions they have chosen. Research shows that these children are also more responsible and can express their opinions well as adults. They can develop themselves well in socializing and controlling themselves.

Sometimes parents don't just apply a pattern of parenting, they can be flexible according to circumstances and place. Therefore, to be a parent who is successful in raising children, establish positive relationships with your children.

How do Parenting Parents Affect Child Development and Personality?
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