A Guide to Safe Drinking Medication When Pregnant


Medical Video: What Medicine Is Safe During Pregnancy?

All pregnant women expect pregnancy to run smoothly without problems. But sometimes pregnant women are inevitable from falling ill.

In conditions such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, or other chronic diseases, pregnant women usually have medications that need to be taken regularly. Health conditions and drugs need to be discussed with your doctor since you are planning a pregnancy. The doctor will arrange the administration of these medicines to be safe for your pregnancy, either by rearranging the dosage or by replacing certain drugs with other drugs.

In health problems such as fever, headache, runny nose, or cough, sometimes pregnant women experience confusion. Is it safe to consume free drugs sold in pharmacies? Here are some health problems that are often encountered and the rules of treatment.

Overcoming fever during pregnancy

High fever that is not resolved for more than 24 hours can endanger the fetus, especially during the early stages of organ formation (the first 12 weeks of pregnancy). Many anti-fever drugs that are sold freely include paracetamol and aspirin.

A fever medicine that is safe for pregnant women

Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is generally safe to use during pregnancy, with the terms of the administration period short and the dose of the drug administered appropriately; the total daily dose should not exceed the maximum dose limit. Paracetamol overdose can poison the kidneys and the hearts of both parties (both mother and fetus), can cause miscarriages and can cause fetal death.

A fever medication that should be avoided when pregnant

Aspirin should not be used by pregnant women, especially in the first and last trimesters. Aspirin can penetrate the placenta, meaning consumption of aspirin not only works in the mother but also in the fetus. In addition to functioning to reduce fever, another function of aspirin that endangers pregnancy is to increase the risk of bleeding during labor. In addition, aspirin taken in the third trimester can cause artistic ductus (one of the fetal blood vessels) does not close completely.

Overcome headache and back pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women sometimes also experience back pain and headaches. Many painkillers sold freely include paracetamol and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs).

Headache medication that is safe for pregnant women

Paracetamol, besides being an anti-fever drug, can also function as a pain reliever drug. Paracetamol is the first choice drug to treat complaints of pain and fever in pregnant women.

Medication for headaches that must be avoided when pregnant

Ibuprofen is one of the most common NSAIDs. The use of NSAIDs in pregnancy should be avoided as much as possible because it can increase the risk of miscarriage, disrupt fetal ductus arteriosus closure, poison fetal kidneys, and inhibit labor. In some cases it was also reported that there was an association between the use of NSAIDs during pregnancy and birth defects in infants.

Overcome cold cough during pregnancy

Pregnant women are more prone to coughs and colds because the immune system during pregnancy usually decreases slightly. The main cause of cold cough is a virus, generally can heal itself without treatment.

Many cold-selling cough medicines are usually in the form of combination drugs. When pregnant, it's better to choose drugs that are specific to certain complaints.

Medications for blocked nose that can be used during pregnancy

Decongestants are drugs that function to overcome congestion. Examples of decongestant drugs that are commonly found include phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine. However, keep in mind, the use of decongestants in the first trimester of pregnancy must be avoided because it can cause interference with the formation of the fetal abdominal wall (gastroschisis).

There are two decongestant preparations, oral decongestants (oral medication) and spray decongestants (spray). Pregnant women who need a decongestant are advised to use spray decongestant drugs. Spray decongestant drugs are considered safer for pregnant women because the effects of the drug only apply locally in the nose area, the dosage is lower, and the exposure to drugs with the body is shorter. Some things like the use of saline nose drops and the use of a humidifier can help alleviate complaints of nasal congestion.

Cough medicines that can be used during pregnancy

For pregnant women, the first choice drug to relieve cough is dextromethorphan. In general, dextromethorphan is safe to use for pregnant women. Choose pure dextromethorphan preparations, avoid the preparation of combination syrup containing cough syrup. In addition to drugs, increasing the intake of fluids in the form of warm water, lemon water and honey water can help relieve cough symptoms.


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A Guide to Safe Drinking Medication When Pregnant
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