Can Pregnant Women Eat Fatty Foods?


Medical Video: Baby's Brain Development - Foods to Eat During Pregnancy to Make Intelligent Baby

Pregnant women should maintain their eating patterns as well as possible so that their health and fetal health remain optimal. However, phasecravingsduring pregnancy may make you want to eat a lot of food, one of them fatty foods such as mutton, fish, pizza, and so on. So, can you eat fatty foods while you are pregnant? Here's the explanation.

What are the consequences if you eat fatty foods while you are pregnant?

diet while pregnant

Pregnant women must consume a variety of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and foods containing fatty acids to support the development of the fetus. What about fatty foods, does this mean it's not good to consume while pregnant?

Basically, eating fatty foods during pregnancy is okay. Because the benefits of fat for health are very much, one of which is to prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding.

However, this does not mean you can be free to eat fatty foods while you are pregnant. Reporting from The Bump, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology revealed that most fatty foods during pregnancy can inhibit the development of the baby's brain.

Excessive fat intake from food can reduce serotonin levels in infants. Serotonin is a natural chemical in the brain that regulates moods. If the serotonin level is low, the baby will be susceptible to anxiety and depression later in adulthood.

Moreover, the more servings of fatty foods during pregnancy, the higher the calories. This can cause the fetal metabolic process to be disrupted. In the end, the baby's weight at birth is at a lower risk than normal weight.

A list of good fatty foods consumed during pregnancy

avoid fatty foods

Although pregnant women are still encouraged to eat fatty foods, you still have to be picky about the type of fat that is good for health. Preferably, choose foods that contain unsaturated fats that are rich in EPA and DHA, two types of omega-3 that are beneficial for physical health and intelligence of babies.

Examples of food sources of unsaturated fats include avocados, salmon, almonds, and corn oil. It should be noted that everything that is excessive is not good, so keep limiting the amount of unsaturated fat to keep it safe for your health.

Eating a quarter to a half of an avocado in a day is enough to meet fat needs during pregnancy. By choosing the right type of healthy fat, fetal brain development will be more optimal. This is also useful to preventmood swingduring pregnancy.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Fatty Foods?
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