Left Lower Back Pain When Pregnant? This is the fix


Medical Video: How to resolve Pregnancy pelvic girdle pain, groin, hip and back pain

Lower back pain, especially the left side, is a common symptom in pregnant women. Babies that continue to grow in the womb suppress sensitive structures of pain including nerves. As a result, many pregnant women complain of lower back pain (down to the buttocks to the legs) due to pressure on the hip nerves or sciatic nerve. Not only that, hormonal changes during pregnancy also trigger back pain. Hormonal changes cause the ligaments to relax so that the burden on the pelvis and lower back ligaments increases. Additional weight from babies and mothers also makes this condition worse.

Lower back pain that feels to the buttocks and thighs is often suspected as sciatica or sciatica. Sciatica is caused by an enlarged disc (herniated disk or disk bulging) at the bottom of the spine and only affects 1% of pregnant women. If attacked, foot pain that is felt by pregnant women will usually be more severe than back pain. In severe sciatic conditions, pregnant women will experience numbness in the groin and genital area and even have difficulty urinating or defecating.

Immediately call your doctor or go to the hospital if you experience symptoms of sciatica, such as weakness in both legs, groin numbness, bladder or anus that might cause difficulty urinating or defecating, or incontinence.

To relieve back pain during pregnancy, these tips might be useful for you.

  • Maintain good posture. Keep your back straight when sitting or standing to strengthen the core muscles and keep the body's center of gravity in place.
  • Avoid wearing high heels until the baby is born. Low-heeled shoes (not flat shoes) can be used.
  • Lay your body facing one side every time you sleep or rest. Pinch the pillow with both knees to maintain the spine posture so that lower back tension can be reduced.
  • Hot and cold compresses can relieve back pain. However, make sure you check the temperature of the compress pillow before attaching it to your back.

In severe cases, you may need to consult a physical therapist. However, some of the mild exercises below may help relieve back pain.

Knee-Chest Exercise

Objective: To relieve pelvic pressure, hemorrhoids, cramps in the thighs and buttocks, and lower back and leg pain.

  1. Kneel, give a distance of 18 inches between knees.
  2. Stick your arms on the floor. The position of the pelvis will be higher than the chest.
  3. Tighten the abdominal muscles a little to ease the pressure of the baby on the abdominal wall.
  4. The back remains straight, the thigh must be perpendicular to the floor and maintain this position for two minutes, and gradually increase the time to five minutes.
  5. Straighten and relax. Give pause to restore balance before rising.
  6. Repeat this exercise in your free time throughout the day as needed.

Knee Press

Purpose: To strengthen the inner thighs, stretch the muscles of the lower back, and improve blood circulation.

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Pull the legs (with both heels touching) as comfortable and close as possible to the body.
  3. Straighten your back, take a deep breath, and press your knees slowly to the floor when you exhale.
  4. Hold until the count of 3.
  5. Relax and turn your back.
  6. Repeat this movement 10 times every day.
Left Lower Back Pain When Pregnant? This is the fix
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