Stomach Feels Fast During Pregnancy, What Does It Mean?


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Nausea, pain in the waist, difficulty finding the right sleeping position, is one of the things that are felt by the mother during pregnancy. However, the most common thing is a tight stomach during pregnancy. This condition sometimes makes the mothers panic. What is the cause of a tight stomach during pregnancy? What is harmful to the mother and fetus?

What causes a tight stomach during pregnancy?

Fast stomach during pregnancy is one of the natural body changes that occur when you enter the first trimester of pregnancy. Robert O. Atlas, MD, chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, said that a tight stomach during pregnancy is generally caused by a developing fetus and uterus. The development of the fetus in the womb will encourage your abdominal muscles to become more stretchy, so it may feel painful.

How to overcome a tight stomach during pregnancy?

However, there are some things you can do to overcome the stomach that feels tight and makes you uncomfortable. However, make sure first, if it is not a sign of miscarriage as described above.

  1. Drink a glass of mineral water so that the body remains well hydrated.
  2. Movement of your body such as walking or stretching body parts that feel stiff. It can also help to see changes in body position that can help relax your stomach.
  3. If you want to get up from sleep, avoid position movements that are too fast to give movement to the muscles and there is no tension in the abdomen.
  4. Warm compresses or warm baths

Stomach tight during pregnancy, a sign of giving birth

In the final trimester of pregnancy, in general pregnant women will experience a tightening stomach. This can be a sign of contraction of childbirth.

Contractions of the birthmark characterized by a stomach that tightens longer, gets stronger, and often occurs. Birth contractions usually appear every 3 to 5 minutes, and last for 45 to 60 seconds per hour.

If indeed this is the first pregnancy you experience, it's a good idea to immediately contact your doctor, midwife or hospital.

Beware of complaints of tight stomach which is a sign of miscarriage

As your pregnancy progresses, a tightened stomach can be a sign of premature delivery and labor. But this can also indicate a sign of miscarriage. How to distinguish?

Fast stomach during pregnancy which is a feature of miscarriage is usually accompanied by pain and occurs before the gestational age enters the 20th week. But generally, many cases of miscarriage occur before the 12th week.

The following are the most common miscarriage signs and you should be aware:

  • Pain and cramps in the abdomen
  • Pain or cramps in the lower back
  • Exit spotting or bleeding
  • There is fluid coming out of the vagina, but not blood

The cause of previous miscarriages is not always clear why. Some may be due to blighted ovum or empty pregnancy. Then, other causes can be caused by the following:

  • Genetic problems with the fetus
  • Diabetes
  • Certain infections
  • Thyroid disease
  • Problems with the cervix
Stomach Feels Fast During Pregnancy, What Does It Mean?
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