The 5 Best Types of Fruits for Pregnant Women


Medical Video: Top 10 fruits you must eat during pregnancy| prego talks

Pregnant women are advised to eat healthy foods that contain complete nutrients, especially fruits, because they contain many vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body of the mother and fetus. Fruits for pregnant women can also be used as snacks as a substitute for snacks that contain many calories but few vitamins and minerals.

The importance of fruit consumption for pregnant women

In addition to the many vitamins and minerals contained in fruits, fruits also contain fiber which can facilitate the digestive system and reduce difficulty in defecation or constipation in pregnant women.

Beta-carotene from vitamin A in the fruit serves to help the development of baby cells and tissues, vision, and immunity. Vitamin C in fruit functions for the growth of bones and teeth, and collagen in connective tissue of babies. Folic acid in fruit can help prevent birth defects and anemia. Potassium in fruit helps maintain blood pressure and body fluid balance in pregnant women.

What are the recommendations for fruits for pregnant women?

Fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are needed for the health of pregnant women and for fetal growth and development in the womb. Here are some fruits that are beneficial for pregnant women.

1. Banana

Rich in potassium and provides calories that are quickly converted into energy to prevent fatigue. Potassium is a banana can help maintain blood pressure in the body. Bananas also contain iron which can help prevent anemia in pregnant women. Bananas are also easy to digest, so they can be an alternative food if pregnant women are experiencing nausea and vomiting.

2. Orange

Contains vitamin C, folate, and fiber. Nearly 90% of its content is water so it helps pregnant women to meet their body fluids. Lack of body fluids can cause fatigue. High levels of folate in oranges can also help the development of the brain and spinal cord in the fetus and prevent the fetus from being born disabled.

3. Avocados

Avocados are one of the fruits that are good for consumption during pregnancy. Avocados are rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium. Avocados can help reduce morning sickness, helps the development of the brain, nervous system and baby tissue. However, avocados contain high fat, so if you eat too much it can cause weight gain.

4. Mango

Mangoes contain high potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Potassium in mangoes can help maintain blood pressure and fluid in the body, vitamin C as an antioxidant that can counteract free radicals in the body, while vitamin A also functions as an antioxidant and helps the immune system, vision, and nervous system in infants. Mangoes also contain high fiber so that they can prevent constipation or constipation in pregnant women.

5. Blueberry, strawberry and raspberry

Fruits berries This contains high potassium, folate and vitamin C. Potassium in addition to maintaining blood pressure, is also needed to maintain body fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. Folate and vitamin C can help prevent anemia in pregnant women. These fruits also contain fiber which can help the digestive system of pregnant women.

In addition to the fruits above, other fruits that are good for pregnant women are kiwi, papaya, grapes, watermelon, melons, and many other fruits. These fruits contain vitamins and minerals needed by pregnant women and fetuses.

We recommend that you consume 2-3 servings of fruits a day to meet the needs of vitamins and minerals. Coupled with the consumption of vegetables 2-3 servings per day, it will complement your nutritional needs.

Various ways to eat fruits

In order not to get tired of eating just those fruits, you can eat these fruits in various ways, namely:

  • Make it a healthy snack that is immediately eaten. Don't forget to wash before eating.
  • Make it into a fruit salad. Cut into small pieces and mix several types of fruit. You can add yogurt to make it taste better and also add vitamins and minerals.
  • Fruit can be added to cereals, bread, pancakes, or waffle You. Serve this as your breakfast menu, can make your appetite increase.
  • Eating fruits for pregnant women can also be varied in the form of juices or smoothies. You can make juice from one or more fruits so that it tastes better, and the vitamins and minerals you get more.
The 5 Best Types of Fruits for Pregnant Women
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