The Best Way to Cure Hemorrhoids When Pregnant


Medical Video: Hemorrhoid Removal (Hemorrhoidectomy)

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids, are blood vessels in the anus that swell. Everyone can get hemorrhoids - not only in pregnant women.

Hemorrhoids can feel very itchy and even painful, making you feel uncomfortable while sitting. Even so, hemorrhoids are not a condition that you should worry about. Hemorrhoid during pregnancy is common and affects many pregnant women, especially at the end of the second trimester until the third trimester of pregnancy.

What causes hemorrhoid during pregnancy?

Pregnancy makes you more susceptible to hemorrhoids and varicose veins, and sometimes even varicose veins of the vagina. Your growing uterus day after day suppresses the pelvic and lower veins (inferior vena cava), a large blood vessel on the right side of the body that receives blood from the lower leg. This pressure can slow blood flow back from the lower part of the body to the heart, then increase the pressure on the uterine arteries, causing the blood vessels to dilate and swell.

In addition, an increase in the hormone progesterone during pregnancy causes the walls of your blood vessels to relax, which causes them to swell more easily. Progesterone also contributes to constipation by slowing down your intestinal tract.

What are the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Some signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids, including:

  • Itching or heat sensation
  • Bright red discharge after bowel movements
  • Sharp, piercing pain near your anus
  • Bulge or extra layer of skin around the anus
  • Pain or pain during or after bowel movements
  • Uncomfortable pressure

You can usually feel the lump. The discharge of blood spots during BAB can make the bathroom routine a little uncomfortable. Sometimes, you may feel as if your stomach is still full, even after a bowel movement, and still needs to be emptied.

Hemorrhoid will gradually disappear by itself after labor. However, if you experience severe bleeding, it is important to immediately visit the nearest doctor to determine what treatment is needed, if required.

To overcome hemorrhoids during pregnancy ...

You can do a few simple tips below:

  • Soak Fill your bathroom tub with warm water and soak your body for 10-15 minutes every day. Do it 2-3 times a day.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fiber to avoid constipation. When constipated, the stool will harden. Power strikes when the constipation you remove will add pressure to the blood vessels, making it swell and redden irritation. Don't push too hard.
  • Do Kegel exercises. In addition to helping strengthen your perineal wall for labor, Kegel also facilitates blood flow that can relieve and prevent hemorrhoids.
  • Use a ‘donut’ pillow as a sitting pad. When sitting on a flat mat it hurts, try using a pillow that has a hole in the middle to make it easier for you to sit
  • Don't sit too long. The sitting position puts more pressure on the blood vessels of your anus and rectum. It's better to lie on your side or just stand up, if you can. If you are required to sit, change positions every few minutes and move as often as possible.
  • Compress your anus with ice to relieve swelling.
  • Use non-depressive hemorrhoid medication. Consult with your doctor about hemorrhoid ointment or cream, or what is the best medicine for your condition. Even so, hemorrhoid cream or ointment does not function to cure hemorrhoids. The medicinal ingredients in ointment / cream hemorrhoids only function to relieve pain and pain due to hemorrhoids.
  • Clean the buttocks area and anus using non-perfume wet wipes after each bowel movement. Dry it with a clean dry tissue. Do both with a pat, do not rub to avoid irritation.


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The Best Way to Cure Hemorrhoids When Pregnant
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