When Sitting During Pregnancy, How Does It Affect the Fetus?


Medical Video: What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby

You probably already know that standing is too long a risk for pregnant women and their babies. Then, how about sitting down while pregnant? Can activities that seem harmless have a certain impact on the fetus? Now, remember that something excessive is definitely not good for you. Likewise with sitting too long. Immediately see below what are the dangers of sitting for your health and the baby in the womb.

The risk of overtime sitting during pregnancy

Whether it's because of your profession, habits, or physical condition, over time sitting while pregnant is at risk for your health and the fetus. Here are three main risks for sitting while pregnant.

1. Blood clots

Pregnant women will experience an increase in blood volume up to 50%. The blood should be distributed evenly to all parts of the body. However, if you sit continuously, blood will actually clot in certain body parts, such as the pelvis and feet. The more blood clots, you run the risk of developing deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism. These conditions can be serious and fatal.

2. Being overweight

According to a study in Warwick, England, over time sitting while pregnant can make you lazy to move. The study also revealed that pregnant women who were mostly seated were more at risk of experiencing weight gain due to lack of movement.

Being overweight in pregnant women is at risk of causing various complications of pregnancy. Among them are preeclampsia, babies born late, babies born with the help of caesarean section, to miscarriage.

3. Gestational diabetes

The research conducted by a team of experts from Warwick Medical School also revealed that over time sitting while pregnant is at risk of causing diabetes in pregnant women. Diabetes in pregnant women is known in the medical world as gestational diabetes.

Like overweight, gestational diabetes can also lead to complications. Some of them are disorders of fetal growth, premature babies, respiratory problems in infants, jaundice, and miscarriages.

How long can pregnant women sit?

To prevent the danger of sitting while pregnant, you should balance your daily activities. According to Dr. Alan Hedge from Cornell University, every time you sit for about 20 minutes, stand up and stretch your muscles for 8 minutes.

If you sit down during pregnancy, for example on your way to work, replace it with physical activities such as walking or sports. By maintaining fitness, you and your fetus will be further away from dangerous risks.

When Sitting During Pregnancy, How Does It Affect the Fetus?
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