When will the stomach begin to appear bulging while pregnant?


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Although there may be some pregnant women who do not show too much of their large and prominent stomachs. But, the big stomach is one of the most obvious changes in the body in pregnant women. Actually, when did the pregnant mother's stomach begin to appear?

5 things that affect when the belly of a pregnant woman begins to appear

Actually there is no definite time when the belly of a pregnant woman begins to appear. Every pregnant woman can vary showing her prominent stomach. This can be influenced by various factors, for example how many times have you been pregnant, where the uterus (tends to back or not), age, heredity, your body size, and much more.

1. Pregnancy times

If this is your first pregnancy, you may show a prominent stomach between 12-16 weeks of gestation. However, if this is not your first pregnancy, your stomach may appear to expand faster. This is because your uterus and stomach muscles have stretched in a previous pregnancy. So, the easier your stomach is to expand.

Entering the age of 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus in your womb has started to develop a lot. So, it needs more space to support this development. Then at 16 weeks of gestation, your stomach will really be visible. And, at 20 weeks of gestation, the peak of the mother's large belly is already in the navel.

2. Age of pregnant women

Age can also affect the stomach of pregnant women. Older pregnant women generally show faster stomach development than younger pregnant women. This is because pregnant women with a younger age may have a stronger abdominal muscle, so that the development of the stomach looks slower.

3. Descendants

The belly size of pregnant women varies. Maybe you have noticed it. There are pregnant women who tend to have very large stomachs and some are not seen until they are not pregnant. One of the things that affects it is heredity (genes).

If you have a stomach size that is not too big during pregnancy, maybe this is a breed. Try asking your mother or sister, when they get pregnant whether their stomach size is the same as yours and when they start showing lumps of their stomach during pregnancy.

4. Body size of pregnant women

The body size of pregnant women can also influence when the belly of a pregnant woman begins to appear. If your stomach before pregnancy is small, the development of your stomach during pregnancy may not be too visible in early pregnancy. The development of the stomach begins to appear when the baby starts growing and large, usually at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, if you have a high body size, your stomach may tend to last longer to look big.

5. Location of the uterus

Apparently, the location of the uterus of each woman can also be different and this affects when the belly of a pregnant woman begins to appear. Women with a retroverted uterus (the uterus tends to be on the back of the abdomen) may show slower stomach during pregnancy. But don't worry because this won't affect the development of your fetus in the womb.

When will the stomach begin to appear bulging while pregnant?
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