6 Sources of Main Stress in Marriage


Medical Video: What you don't know about marriage | Jenna McCarthy

Image: The Huffington Post

You may have heard that married couples tend to be happier than unmarried people. However, this only applies if the marriage covered is happy and satisfying. Like the various decisions you make in life, marriage offers two different sides for each pair. Your marriage can be the answer to all your hopes and desires, but it may also be a source of stress in life.

Sharing life with others is not always easy and beautiful. There are also times and various factors that can make you and your partner feel stressed or depressed in marriage. If you constantly feel stressed and this condition does not improve, that means there is something in your marriage.

Source of stress in marriage

Do not immediately think negatively because the problem in each marriage is natural. The important thing is to recognize the source of your stress and find the best solution. These are the various sources of stress that come from your marriage.

1. Financial problems

Stress caused by financial problems in the household is the biggest cause of divorce. Every married couple is challenged to unite their vision and mission in financial terms and this is not easy. Usually the problem gets more complicated if one party tends to waste money and the other party insists on saving.

2. Raising children

The difference in principles when raising a child can stress you out. The pressure to be an ideal parent is hard enough, especially if you and your partner still don't agree on how to raise a child.

3. Health

Health problems that arise suddenly will certainly be very burdensome. Especially if the health problems faced are quite serious. You will be constantly worried and nervous while your responsibilities increase.

4. Sex life

Sex is one of the pillars of marriage that must be kept strong. Therefore, without you or your partner being aware, problems in your sex life can cause stress. Think again, when did you and your last partner have sex? Do you and your partner enjoy it?

5. Communication

One of the causes of stress you feel may be rooted in a weak communication system between you and your partner. See if you always feel frustrated because your intentions are not conveyed well to the couple or vice versa. Although it seems trivial, communication problems in marriage can slowly cause stress.

6. Trust

The loss of trust in a partner results in anxiety, anxiety, and protracted fear. You will also be filled with negative thoughts and this can cause stress. Likewise, if you are the one who is not trusted by a partner.

The impact of ignoring stress due to marriage problems

The stress that comes from your marriage will not just disappear if you and your partner do not seek any solution. Precisely the symptoms of stress that are ignored can endanger your health.

1. Depression

Unhappy marriages have been shown to increase your risk of suffering from depression. Research conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the journal Psychophysiology reveals that those who suffer from stress due to marital problems will find it difficult to enjoy experiences and happy things. This sign is one of the many symptoms of depression.

2. Dementia

Another impact of ignoring stress that arises due to problems in marriage is the risk of dementia. Deborah Barnes in a study published in Archives of General Psychiatry proved that the pressure and depression experienced by someone in middle age (35 years and over) increases your risk of developing Alzheimer's by twofold and dementia by three times.

3. Heart disease

Marriage that is full of pressure and sources of stress can have a negative impact on your heart. Experts at Michigan State University have succeeded in proving the link between heart disease and the level of happiness of couples in a marriage. The more stressful you are at marriage, the higher your risk of heart disease.

Tips to relieve stress in marriage

1. Open yourself up

To relieve stress in marriage, you need to find a solution that is complete. The trick is to open yourself with a partner. That means you have to be honest and convey what you've been feeling all along, don't just assume that your partner should have understood the contents of your mind. You also have to be willing to listen to your partner with a spacious heart, without the intention of defending yourself or arguing.

2. Looking for professional help

If you have taken all the ways with your partner, but the desired changes will not arrive, do not be shy to seek professional help, such as marriage counselors or psychologists. Keep in mind that seeking professional help does not mean your marriage has failed or you are unable to maintain the quality of your relationship with your partner. This just means you are strong enough and caring to save your marriage.


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6 Sources of Main Stress in Marriage
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