8 Super Benefits of Meditation for Mental and Physical Health


Medical Video: Exercises for Stress Reduction & Deep Relaxation - Part 3 of 4 - Stress Management

When anxious and stressed, meditation is one of the easiest ways to overcome it. Even though it looks like sitting still, doing nothing, and not worrying about anything, meditation actually affects the overall health of the body, both physically and mentally. What are the benefits of meditation for body health? Consider the following review.

The benefits of meditation for the health of your body

Meditation is an exercise to create peace of mind and a relaxed body. You can do this type of exercise anywhere, without the need for special tools. The key is only one, namely a calm atmosphere.

Some of the benefits of meditation for health that you need to know, include:

1. Reducing stress

the benefits of yoga

Stress can occur at any time. When stressed, the hormone cortisol levels in the body will increase and the body will release inflammatory stimulating chemicals called cytokines.

These body-produced cytokines can interfere with sleep, increase blood pressure, make you depressed and anxious over time. As a result, you become more susceptible to various diseases. Fortunately, this condition can be overcome by meditation.

A study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University looked at 33 men and women aged 18-30 years. They were asked to do meditation and breathing exercises in 25 minutes a day. Three days later, the results of their saliva samples showed a decrease in cortisol levels. They also feel an increase in solving problems when given some math questions and responding to a poem.

2. Fight depression

symptoms of postpartum depression

Long-term stress without treatment can end in depression. Meditation that provides calm and comfort so that it is used as therapy to fight depression.

A study conducted by Rutgers University looked at 55 women and men; 22 of them had depression. They were asked to take a 30-minute meditation program followed by 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in 8 weeks.

The results showed symptoms of depression reduced by 40 percent. They become more able to overcome problems and control themselves not to worry or think about something negative.

3. Control your anxiety

Apart from stress, some people can also feel anxiety that is sometimes excessive. A study looked at 2,466 participants who carried out various meditation strategies in different ways.

As a result, people who follow yoga meditation are able to reduce anxiety levels. That is, participants become more able to control the anxiety that arises or even prevent it from coming at all.

4. Improve sleep quality

nap makes fat

Stress, depression, and anxiety can make it difficult for you to sleep. Poor mental condition coupled with a body that lacks rest further aggravates the situation. Although it can be overcome with sleeping pills, the use of pills often causes adverse side effects. For this reason, meditation is considered the safest way to deal with insomnia.

A study compared two groups of participants; take a meditation program and not. Participants who took part in meditation, could sleep faster and more soundly than people who did not take meditation. Researchers argue that meditation can calm one's mind, the body releases tension and becomes more relaxed so that it can sleep better.

5. Improve the immune system

healthy living habits

If you often catch the flu or runny nose, you need to improve your immune system. It's easy with meditation. A study looked at 149 men and women with an average age of 59 years. They were divided into three groups, namely 51 people attended the meditation program, 47 exercised running and cycling, and the rest did nothing.

After 8 weeks, participants who participated in the meditation experienced 27 times the symptoms of a cold or cold, people who exercise experienced 26 times, while people who did nothing experienced symptoms 40 times. People who exercise and meditate also show faster recovery rates from colds or colds, than those who are not active.

6. Help fight addiction

alcohol content in the body

The discipline attitude that is applied when meditation can help people who have addiction. A study reported that as many as 19 alcoholics could control their desire to drink.

This shows that meditation helps addicts to learn to divert attention when the urge to fulfill their opium. They become more aware of how best to control their emotions and behavior.

7. Lower blood pressure

control blood pressure

High blood pressure can make the heart work harder to pump blood. As a result, heart function gets worse and the risk of heart disease such as atherosclerosis (narrowing of the heart arteries), heart attacks, and strokes becomes greater.

Meditation can reduce tension in the heart so that blood pressure will decrease. When the body releases tension, nerve signals that coordinate heart function and tension in blood vessels become more controlled.

8. Strengthen memory

changes in the body of the elderly

As you get older, brain function will decrease. Meditation that combines singing and repetitive movements can train one's concentration.

A total of 12 studies show that meditation can increase the attention and memory and concentration of the elderly. Possible benefits of this meditation can help control stress, reduce feelings of loneliness, and improve brain function for the elderly with dementia.

8 Super Benefits of Meditation for Mental and Physical Health
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