8 Surefire Ways to Eliminate Excessive Anxiety


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Depression and anxiety are different things. Anxiety itself is a form of emotion characterized by unpleasant feelings due to inner turmoil. While depression is a chronic condition where a person continues to feel sad or hopeless. But usually, people who are depressed will experience excessive anxiety, such as anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and difficulty focusing.

Feelings of anxiety and depression are both very draining; it can even make you lose the spirit to live life.

It's not easy to get rid of anxiety, especially depression. But you still have to turn your brain to find a way to overcome it so that negative feelings do not become more so that it interferes with your activities or even your health.

Various ways to get rid of excessive anxiety

1. Return to your environment

Usually, when someone experiences excessive anxiety, they will tend to withdraw from the environment. In fact, one way to overcome depression is by having social support from the closest person. When you are experiencing anxiety or depression, try to express what you feel and keep in touch with the environment. Even though it's not easy, isolating yourself from the environment is also not a way out of the confusion you're experiencing.

2. Do what you like

One of the best ways to get rid of anxiety and tendency to depression is to do what you like - watching movies, going out for a walk, going to the beach, singing, etc. And even though you can't always force yourself to do things you like, but always try to encourage yourself to always be active in activities - at least not what you hate.

3. Do new things

In addition to doing things you like, you also need to do new things to get rid of excessive anxiety. When you challenge yourself by doing new things, without your awareness your body will produce the hormone dopamine which is associated with pleasure and happiness.

4. Get out of the house so you are bathed in the sun

Without your realizing it, lack of sunlight can aggravate your excessive anxiety and depression. Try to get out of your room occasionally so that you can be exposed to the sun, at least 15 minutes a day. Sunlight is known to increase happy hormone levels of serotonin, which improves your mood.

5. Diligent exercise

Research shows that regular exercise can relieve symptoms of depression. Physical activities such as exercise can increase the production of endorphins which have the effect of reducing pain and triggering feelings of pleasure, calm, or happiness. And of course, you don't need to exercise excessively to get the benefits, enough light exercise but done routinely like walking 10 minutes, etc. 

6. Eat healthy food

Without your realizing it, the food you consume can have an impact on your feelings. Therefore, it is not surprising that you will feel upset or tired when you are late eating. And to deal with anxiety or depression, you can minimize the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, but you are encouraged to increase your intake of vitamin B because vitamin B deficiency (such as folic acid and B12) can trigger depression. Some foods that can overcome depression are foods that are rich in omega-3s such as salmon, tuna, etc.

7. Get enough sleep

Sleeplessness can be one of the symptoms of depression. To overcome feelings of anxiety or depression, try to change your sleep patterns. Begin to sleep enough at least 7 hours per day, and get rid of things that can disturb the quality of your sleep.

8. Think positively

One thing that can make your anxiety and depression worse is negative thoughts about yourself or the environment around you. Therefore, one way to overcome anxiety and depression is to think positively.

If you have done a few tips to get rid of the anxiety above, but these negative feelings do not improve, consult your doctor to get the right diagnosis and medical assistance for your recovery.

8 Surefire Ways to Eliminate Excessive Anxiety
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