Am I Gay? Find Out With These 5 Questions


Medical Video: 9 Questions Gay People Have For Straight People

The gay phenomenon that has spread in recent years has indeed sparked a lot of controversy. Pro contra is common, even gay people are not shy about showing themselves in public. A masculine man with muscular muscles and good posture, is indeed pleasing to women, no exception for men. For men, have you ever imagined with another male body that you consider masculine? Have you ever wondered how it feels? Do you often wonder, "Am I gay?" Are there gay features that you can detect from yourself?

If you are in doubt, ask yourself this

1. Do you fantasize about the same type of sex?

The curiosity and imagination that you have sometimes shows who you really are. When you think of sex with others once in a while, it can be considered normal. But, if this imagination continues to grow wild and affect your sexual taste? You may ask yourself deeply.

2. Do you feel sexually attracted to same-sex people?

When you face or direct contact with fellow men, what do you feel? If you feel you want to hug and have the full body of the man, you must be sure of it first Is it true that you want to get physical contact too or is it just an admiration for the man's body?

This naturally happens if you are dealing with a man's figure or body that makes you amazed. But if you feel sexually want to hold and connect physically further with this man, there is a possibility that your sexual taste is "different".

3. Do you prefer to be in a homogeneous environment (men)?

Being in a same-sex environment does make it comfortable, we don't need to be ashamed of something different from ourselves. Gay generally feels comfortable because in a homogeneous environment, gay people don't care if other people know whether they are gay or not. The important thing is that he feels that men are heaven (from the sexual side) for him. Are you eye and sexual satisfied?

4. Are you uncomfortable with women?

The world you have consists of two different sexes, there are only male and female sexes. If you feel that you don't like the presence of someone of a different type, you may be doubtful about this. Usually gay will not be comfortable dealing with different sexes. Why? Can be caused by psychological factors that make him traumatized by a woman's figure. If, you feel rivaled by the presence of women to get attention from fellow men, you could be gay.

5. Are you starting to find out everything about gay?

Among the many question marks and turmoil of your sexual identity, you will take the time to find information about your thoughts and questions that cannot be answered. Here you will begin to explore everything that can answer your question. Starting from quizzes, articles about the characteristics of gays, lined cases can find your identity about whether you are gay or not.

If it's true I'm gay, what should I do?

Sexuality is a difficult thing to understand in terms of logic and emotional. Most of those who are gay admit that this same-sex sense of attraction has indeed been felt since childhood. In addition to the questions above, you might have done another experiment that could be done to find answers to curiosity from sexual identities that you might doubt. If the answer is YES, you don't need to worry. There are several other explanations that can be done.

1. Make peace with yourself

After being sure of who you really are, you may be afraid, anxious, angry and confused with yourself. Sharing concerns comes as you believe that you are gay. You do not need to waste time with all that, immediately you make peace with yourself. There is nothing to blame, you just need to understand the "uniqueness" in yourself.

2. Tell yourself who you are to your family and closest people when you are ready

Not everyone can accept your situation, support and resistance must be there. You just have to say what is in your heart and who you are for rational reasons. This stage often takes a long time to be adapted. So, prepare yourself as prepared as possible with the risks that will be accepted. Don't forget to give positive support to yourself. You can go to consultations, forums that hold meetings to discuss your uniqueness and start to be proud of yourself no matter what the circumstances.

Am I Gay? Find Out With These 5 Questions
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