Are you a narcissistic, sociopathic, or just selfish person?


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Everyone has different personalities. Some are closed and sociable, calm and serious or full of jokes, and some are ignorant of ducks and compassionate. Selfishness is also one of the classic personality characteristics that exist in many people, regardless of whether he is an extrovert or introvert.

The level of selfishness of each person can be different from one another. Some people are purely just stubborn, but there are a handful of people who are so manipulative that they tend to fall into the category of extreme personality disorders - such as narcissistic or even sociopathic.

What's the difference between selfish people and narcissistic and sociopathic people

To better understand the differences between the three, it needs to be understood first that the concept of narcissism here is not a group of people who always upload selfies in various social media accounts. In the world of modern psychology, someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder personality is a person who has a big ego, with pride and selfishness that is just as big. These narcissistic people crave to be constantly admired by others.

Sociopaths have a similar nature - consider themselves the best, everything, the center of the world. Both tend to blame others for their own mistakes, or skillfully influence others to believe them and / or offer "alternative facts" that they arrange in such a way that they appear real. Both narcissistic or sociopathic people have no sense of empathy, aka caring and compassion for others.

According to Psychology Today, the nature of empathy is an important benchmark of whether someone is really just pure stubborn, or does have a real personality disorder. If for example you are met with a situation that raises your selfishness, then you are able to show remorse, and may really be determined to change these bad habits and habits in the future, chances are you are someone who is pure stubborn or selfish.

Selfish people can still feel empathy. While people with personality disorders such as sociopathy or narcissism do not. What is there, they might explode angrily when their nature is criticized, or they might falsify that sense of empathy to get plus points from the community. They may show remorse, pity, or generosity, but do not want or fail to make a real change in their attitude.

Stubborn and selfish people still have self control

Another indicator that can measure how selfish you are is by assessing how well you control yourself. Research shows that selfish people lack self control because they will not even consider their personal feelings in the future. Thus, they are less able to delay their satisfaction and wait for better rewards later than those presented to them at this time. The point is, what they want must be there now.

Although sociopathic and narcissistic people also exhibit the same characteristics, they do not think that social laws and rules apply to them because they consider themselves "special" and higher than others. People with this personality disorder are very arrogant, don't have love. They do not care about the safety of others, ignoring the needs or feelings of others. Above all, narcissism and sociopathy are often characterized by minimal shame and remorse.

Therefore, they tend to treat others harshly or with indifference. They usually engage in aggressive, impulsive, irresponsible or risky entanglements, and tend to put others in danger in order to benefit themselves, often just for temporary pleasure. Whereas stubborn people will have moral boundaries; they know what's wrong and right, it's just a little blinded by the lure of faster rewards - and maybe showing remorse and shame for the arbitrary actions.

Are you a narcissistic, sociopathic, or just selfish person?
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