Get to know FoMO, Fear of Missing News Phenomenon Threatening Mental Health


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Fear of missing out (FoMO), is a condition where a person is afraid to say no update, don't hang out, and are afraid to miss the current news widely. FoMO is fear and anxiety that can cause physical and psychological side effects. Come on, find out what FoMO is and what its effects on mental and body health.

FoMO is ...

Fear of missing out which is usually abbreviated as FoMO is a type of anxiety commonly felt by generation Y aka millennial, namely those born in 1981 to 1980. This condition is increasingly prevalent when Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Path, and other social social media, turn into an important part in their daily lives.

Every day, starting from waking up to sleeping again, people flock to present or try to be the first to update certain information. Whereas people with FoMO are the most anxious, uncomfortable, and worried people if they miss any information on social media.

According to the Department of Psychology, the School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, in the UK, FoMO is a condition that can cause people to apply beyond the limits of reasonableness on social media. Besides being afraid to miss the news on social media, they also sometimes deliberately put pictures, writings, or even promote themselves that are not necessarily honest just for the sake of being seen update. Ironically, this can be seen as looking for their sensations and happiness on fake social media.

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What is the impact if you experience FOMO?

The anxiety made by this social media can make a real negative effect, you know. Among other things bad for their mental, physical, and life. Anxious because you can't update on social media over time can backfire. Just imagine if one day people with anxiety like this don't get internet and electricity access or when they forget to bring ithandphone.

Keep in mind, anxiety is something that can trigger excessive stress and depression in someone. Based on a study, anxiety can make the production of important body hormones such as serotonin and adrenaline disrupted. Insomnia, not appetite, headache, and mood chaos can arise when the hormones in your body are out of balance.

Also, when you feel anxious, your body tends to produce nausea. This happens when the intestine sends a signal to the brain that your body is in danger. Not infrequently, eventually the body will react by giving rise to nausea.

As reported by The Nottingham Post in Science Direct, FoMO is a condition that can make your social relations broken. Yes, frequency update on social media can cause negative things. For example, if a friend invites you to play, then you answer that you can't. However, you unconsciously go with your other friends whileupdate on social media. It can make your friend who previously invited you to feel betrayed. In the end, without realizing your social relationship with your friends, it might not be good.

May use social media, but don't overdo it

Although FoMO is a phenomenon that is harmful to your mental, physical and social health, it does not mean you are not allowed to use social media at all. You can, how come, using social media, but with reasonable limits.

Instead, limit the use of social media that is balanced with your activities. Not all things in your life must beposttoo. Also, try not to compare your life with the lives of others on social media. Because what is actually displayed on social media is not the real thing that happens.

Get to know FoMO, Fear of Missing News Phenomenon Threatening Mental Health
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