How Crying Can Reduce Sadness


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The death of a loved one is the most emotional experience that will be faced by everyone. Therefore it is not surprising if the moment is often accompanied by tears.Crying is a natural response to loss and sadness. But have you ever wondered why your body and mind can feel better every time you cry? It turns out there is a medical explanation behind the benefits of tears to improve mood.

The benefits of tears that apparently can relieve physical pain

When we experience severe emotional stress when we lose our loved ones, our bodies produce large amounts of strength and painkiller biochemical substances, even the effects are almost similar to heroin and morphine.

High adenocorticotropin (ACTH) levels are found in tears when crying angry or sad. ACTH is a chemical that is associated with stress. Well, the tears that drip when crying is one way to rinse ACT while simultaneously spreading the natural pain-relieving antibodies in the body. The benefits of tears transport these substances to the surface of the eyeball, which is then absorbed and can help to relieve emotional pain.

This can explain why many people always feel better after crying completely, regardless of whether they are grieving or not.

Is crying long safe for health?

Continuous crying often worries people, even people who cry themselves. However, this should not be misunderstood as a sign that his condition is deteriorating. Feeling hurt is actually a sign that you are getting better, and that is a very difficult stage. However, always remember that you can pass it. Tears are a healthy form of love and affection.

So, when you support someone who is grieving, it's important to provide a safe environment where the person can reflect on himself. Don't judge them based on the amount of their tears because tears can vary greatly from one person to another.

What happens when we hold back tears?

If people want to cry but are detained or prevented, chances are they don't get the benefit of tears that can circulate natural painkillers to help reduce their sadness. Research has also shown some evidence that crying can be a way to cleanse the body of substances that will negatively affect mood and health.

But indeed, not everyone automatically cries when angry or sad, or when they are really crying, their tears can not be as much as in general. However, in people who rarely cry, the natural antibodies to painkillers can still be spread and poisons released by other means than tears.

Even though crying is an important part of the process of grieving for many people, the lack of tears should not be considered a sign that the person is insensitive or something is wrong with his body. The tendency of everyone to cry in emotional events varies greatly, as well as the way their nervous system responds to certain sadness pressures.

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How Crying Can Reduce Sadness
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