Know the Four Human Characters: Which Are You?


Medical Video: The 4 Temperaments

Knowing someone's character is very useful in a relationship that will be built. In fact, to get a job, companies usually carry out psychological tests and interviews to be able to see the person's personality. In the world of psychology, there are many theories that discuss a person's character. One of the most famous theories today is the theory of 16 personalities put forward by Carl Jung. However, before this personality theory developed, long before that there had been a theory of four temperaments that had been discovered from ancient times.

Did you know that a person's personality can be distinguished based on his temperament? This discovery originated from the Greek physician Hippocrates who combined these four temperaments as part of his theory of medicine. He argued that four fluids in the body can distinguish one's character and habits. This typology is part of an ancient medical concept, which is referred to as humorism. Humorism here refers to body fluids. Everyone has different body fluids. It is believed that the most superior body fluids affect one's temperament and psychology.

In addition, there are some people who have mixed characters. What is meant by mixed characters is that one cannot be represented by only one character found in psychological theory. For example, in these four temperaments, a person's character is divided into four groups, there are sanguinis, koleris, melancholy, and plegmatis. Whereas in mixed characters, one can be identified that he is a melancholic sanguinis.

What is temperament?

Before recognizing four further temperaments, we first discuss things related to temperament. The first impression when looking at someone is based on what he does, people assume that temperament comes from outside which reflects his mental state. For example, when we say that someone is a type of leader, we often see him always acting as a group leader. However, we do not make this external observation as a benchmark for solving puzzles about a person's personality. In fact, these observations can be an approach to better understand the personality and color of a person's character.

Temperament is the basis of the color of one's character and acts as a manifestation or representation of each individual in living his life. Usually when we meet other people, we can feel 'Mood' emerging.

What are the four characters?

There is a theory that holds that all humans are divided into four parts, the first is the physical body. Then there's an etheric body, or maybe we know it as a soul. During his life, the soul united with someone's physical, and when he died it would be separated from his physical. Third, the astral body. This part is the place where instincts, passions, desires, and changes in our minds are present. Fourth, the highest compared to the others, is the bearer of the human ego aka the carrier of the human ego, this is what makes us have curiosity and power over our self-awareness, feelings, even motivations. One of the four parts is the most dominant, and this is what will represent a person's character.

1. Sanguinis

Blood as a bodily fluid and the astral body symbolizes the sanguinis type. The astral body is reflected in the nervous system so that the system is in control. The nervous system is able to absorb ideas, visualization or images and sensations. This nervous system activity is held back by blood circulation. If not held by blood circulation, then mental image will go wild, which leads to hallucinations and illusions. This is the limit for sanguinis.

People with this sanguinis character are usually always optimistic, cheerful, enthusiastic and have a high spirit of life. Always attract attention or need people to pay attention. They also like to take risks, so don't be surprised if this sanguinis character is an adventurous person because this type also likes to look for fun. So happy with the challenges and new things, they get bored easily.

Sanguinis is a type that is unable to sustain its interest long enough. He always wants new experiences, so it's easy to impress, easily lost interest. This is what makes them easily change their mind.

People of this type are suitable when working as entertainer, because this work will make them into the spotlight of the audience, and require them to always appear enthusiastic no matter what happens. They can absorb ideas, so work with creativity is suitable for them, for example work in the fields of fashion, culinary, traveling, and marketing. In the field of marketing, people with sanguinis types will produce new strategies to sell products and the progress of the company. Even those who are confident to take risks.

2. Plegmatic

Mucus and etheric body become liquid symbols of this character. The plegmatic type of person is more focused on what is happening in him, so he allows what is outside to happen as it should. No wonder people of this type like peace.

What they are looking for from a relationship is harmony and familiarity. They always try to avoid conflicts that exist, it makes them a loving and loyal partner. Get involved in activities charity is a fun activity for them. Full of love and always helping others.

But sometimes he feels unrelated to his surroundings, because the focus of his activities is on his etheric body. So that, in social life, he tends to be quiet. Because he allows things outside his etheric body to work as they should, this makes him less goal-oriented.

However, people with a plegmatic type are compatible with work related to social matters, such as teachers, nurses, and other social services, because of the peace-loving character he has. This is also because they are looking for 'intimate' connections from a relationship, such as being 'intimately' connected with themselves.

3. Koleris

Yellow bile and the ego dominate the choleric type. Because the ego is in control, koleris is very aggressive and must always get what he wants in his way. People with a colony type are very target oriented, analytical, and logical. Types of leaders.

This Koleris character also doesn't like niceties, he prefers to spend time with useful things. So he will prefer conversations that are clearly the purpose and essence. Therefore, they prefer to gather with people who have the same profession and hobbies.

Usually the jobs that are suitable for the choleric type are in the fields of management, technology, statistics, engineering, and programming. Because they can survive if they have to work alone, and they are very target oriented.

4. Melancholy

Black bile and physical body dominate the melancholy type. Melancholy feels that he is not the master of his body and is bound by pain. His body was controlled by three other parts, so he lost his desire to act alone. For example, the physical body only becomes a 'driver', while the one who moves is the other three parts. Even though the physical body should be the highest instrument, because without the physical, the other three parts would not exist.

This type of melancholy often sacrifices for others, tends to be sensitive, merciful, happy to be behind the scenes, but also a thinker. He is likened to being a driver, and giving opportunities to other body parts, so he will be sensitive and think of ways to solve problems. He is quite creative because he can think from various perspectives. Thinking about other body parts, making him see from various points of view.

Because they want all parts to be satisfied, this type tends to be perfectionist and inferior. It's hard to forget the pain that happened in the past. In fact, he easily dissolves in his negative thoughts. Feeling not having control, sometimes making it tossed around.

Jobs that are suitable for melancholy are in the fields of administration, management, accounting, and social workers. Thinking from various perspectives can make a melancholy take good accuracy into account.

How accurate are these characters?

There are various types of psychological tests to find out your character and measure how closely a theory approaches your character. As explained earlier, you can't just swallow it away in assessing someone. But the parameters of these four temperaments can make you overcome the shortcomings that you have, thus forming a better personality.

For example, in a melancholic and pleasing type of child, they must be trained to be more confident and always active in participating in activities. Then koleris type children, they can be trained to respect the opinions of others. Likewise with the sanguinis type, it can be trained to better recognize itself. Whatever your temperament, the key is always to improve yourself if there is something wrong with your character. The temperament itself makes the world more beautiful, more alive and more colorful.


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Know the Four Human Characters: Which Are You?
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