Like Hoarding Used Goods? It could be a mental disorder


Medical Video: Compulsive hoarding poses safety and psychological risks

Everyone keeps objects that are deemed necessary, but often become unused for a long time. For some people, storing things becomes serious if he has arrived at the stage of hoarding too much used goods, and has difficulty putting aside objects that he would not actually use. This is known as the term hoarding. Basically, hoarding is a psychological problem, but most of it hoarder (people who do hoarding) not aware if he has this disorder.

Is that a hindrance to hoard used goods (hoarding)?

Disorders hoarding including the form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) where a person experiences anxiety or experiences excessive stress because of the desire to store an object that he really does not need. Sufferers hoarding also tend to find it difficult to dispose of unused items because they think "I will need this object later."

The habit of hoarding items can vary among individuals hoarding. In general, behavior hoarding make the living environment full of unused objects. The types of objects stored tend not to have clear values ​​and uses, such as paper containing streaks that are considered "memory", old books, clothes, dolls, broken furniture, or other used items. Some hoarder also has the habit of bringing animals to the home environment but cannot take care of them so that the residence becomes dirty.

The reason someone has it hoarding

Behavior hoarding can be caused by a family environment that is less harmonious and lacks material aspects while still a child. The habit of collecting objects can begin to appear in adolescence and get worse until adulthood. Disorders hoarding more likely to be experienced if there is a history of similar behavior in the family, but it is not certain what the disorder is hoarding genetically derived.

Another factor that causes it hoarding is the presence of depression and OCD disorders. This is exacerbated if a person lives alone and is not married, or fails to overcome health problems due to the loss of a spouse or family member. Behavior hoarding can also start from the desire for objects that do not make sense, and the behavior of buying goods excessively because he considers by buying these items he will be happy.

Impact of behavior hoarding

Hoarding behavior has a severity that varies from mild to severe. Behavior hoarding uncontrolled can have an impact on several things, including:

Declining quality of life. Hoarding things makes the living environment narrower and unproductive. Even too much stuff in the house triggers a buildup of layers of dust because it is difficult to clean so that it can affect health. Someone who has it hoarding it is also very difficult to make decisions, work, and maintain relationships with other people.

Conflict with the closest person. Someone who experiences hoarding not aware if the behavior is abnormal. The disorder is usually only realized by the closest person or by the sufferer hoarding itself when there has been a conflict with family or people living in one house. Behavior hoarding in a family can make the relationship less harmonious, disrupt the development of the child, and cause divorce.

More serious psychological disorders. Behavior hoarding it can also be a sign of the development of other psychological disorders. Anxiety and stress are things that sufferers often experience hoarding and can interfere with the mental condition of the patient for a long time. As a result, sufferers hoarding also has the risk of eating disorders, abnormal eating patterns (pica), loss of the concept of the external environment (psychosis), and dementia.

Hoarding different from the behavior of collecting objects

Basically, the behavior of collecting goods has a function value, pride, and regularity in storing goods. A collector does not experience excessive anxiety about the object he keeps, instead he likes to show and share his collection with others. Different from hoarding, people who are just hobby of collecting goods also do not cause aggressive behavior and relationship conflicts with other people.

What can be done to overcome the disorder hoarding ?

Behavior hoarding can be overcome by cognitive behavioral therapy which aims to change the mindset and how someone acts. This is useful for changing the concept of himself and those around him. In the end, the effects of therapy will help sufferers hoarding in decision making to determine what he needs and does not need. If it's a nuisance hoarding triggered by depression, antidepressant drug therapy must also be carried out side by side.


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Like Hoarding Used Goods? It could be a mental disorder
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