New bride even depressed after marriage? Can Be Due To This Syndrome


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The new bride is usually synonymous with happiness and enthusiasm for a new chapter in her life. However, there are also newlyweds who actually become depressed, sad, and show symptoms of depression. Yes, it turns out there are quite a lot of people who are actually depressed after marriage. This unique phenomenon is even known as postpartum depression orpostnuptial depression.

Why does someone feel depressed after marriage? Can this condition be overcome immediately? What is the impact on new households of people with depression after marriage? Check out all the answers below.

Get to know depression after marriage

Postnuptial depression is a syndrome where newlyweds tend to feel sadness, even depression in the days after marriage. This syndrome is mostly experienced by brides rather than men.

Reporting from the Mental Healthy website, one in 10 women is estimated to suffer from depression after marriage. In fact, there are about 10% of couples in the United States who have to undergo counseling because they feel regret, sadness, or frustration after marriage.

When newlyweds view their marriage as a new sheet in their lives, those who experience this syndrome actually feel marriage is just the end of their life's purpose. So there is nothing more he can do and tends to see the future with a blank stare.

Can marriage really trigger depression?

A psychotherapist, Diana Parkinson, says this syndrome occurs because most women expect too high expectations for their marriage. Worse, there are also women who apparently only want a luxurious and beautiful wedding and reception party, not because they really want to build a household with a husband.

Meanwhile on the Psychology Today page, boredom in brides occurs because they only spend their time and energy just to prepare for their 'big day'. That is, after the event ends it means that all preparations end so that they don't know what to do next.

It could also be because throughout the preparation and the wedding, the bride usually becomes a "star" or center of attention. Whereas after marriage, the bride can no longer enjoy the outpouring of attention from family, friends, and the people around her.

The emotional sensation that is felt is also the cause of this depression. The brides tend to feel lonely after marriage. Because, after marriage they only live together with their partner, while before marriage they are surrounded by family and friends.

Not only women, men can also be depressed after marriage

Although it is mostly experienced by women, it does not mean the groom cannot feel it too.

The groom can also feel disappointed with the expectations they build. When they expect a romantic life with their partner after marriage, it turns out they have to be buried when they find their partner in a sad condition.

depression during the pregnancy program

So what to do?

If both are left in an emotional state like this, then the possibility of cracking the household will be even greater. So, emotional readiness and support from each other greatly influence the survival of the newlyweds.You can do this by meeting a marriage counselor, consulting with a therapist, and talking from heart to heart with your partner.

If you have experienced symptoms of major depression (major depression) or chronic depression, namely loss of appetite, body weakness, sleeplessness, or your daily activities until disturbed, consult a mental health specialist. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressant drugs to help reduce symptoms.

Tips for avoiding syndromes after marriage

If you are planning a wedding, it is important for you and your partner to balance the outlook on post-married life. The following preparation tips that you can do so you don't feel the syndrome after marriage:

  • Marriage is not just a party. Make marriage the beginning, not the end of your goal. Remember, marriage is not just perpetuating sex and other benefits, but also about how you and your partner support each other in their troubles or happiness throughout life.
  • Discuss your life plan and partner carefully. Most divorce cases start because both do not know the purpose of living together. Make your life plans both to make it easier to materialize.
  • Always communicating. Communication is the most important thing in marriage. This method can help you and your partner to understand each other's wishes for each other.
New bride even depressed after marriage? Can Be Due To This Syndrome
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