5 Common Problems Occur in Premature Birth Children


Medical Video: How To Deal With Newborn Baby Breathing Problems -Breathing Problems In Infants(Baby Breathing Fast)

Babies born prematurely generally experience health problems because they are not physically ready to get out of the womb. These newborns are more prone to disabilities (such as cerebral palsy) and even death.

As a result, premature babies need extra attention and medical assistance immediately after birth. Depending on how early the baby is born, the pediatrician or obstetrician can contact the neonatologist (a specialist in the care of premature babies or infant diseases) to help determine the type of special treatment needed by the baby. Here are some of the most common problems in premature babies.

1. Respiratory disorder syndrome

This is a disorder of the respiratory system because the baby's lung development is not perfect. This occurs because the lungs of premature babies lack surfactant, a fluid that allows the lungs to expand. Artificial surfactants can be used to deal with this problem, used in conjunction with a ventilator or CPAP machine to help babies breathe better and maintain adequate oxygen levels in the blood. Sometimes, babies born too early (very prematurely) may need a long-term oxygen supply and can occasionally go home with the support of oxygen therapy.

2. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Or chronic lung disease, is a term used in infants who need oxygen for several weeks or even months. Babies tend to overcome this problem, whose severity varies, along with the growth and development of the baby's lungs.

3. Apnea

Apnea is a breathing pause that occurs for about 15 seconds, which is common in premature babies. This is often associated with a decrease in heart rate, called bradycardia. The decrease in oxygen saturation measured by a pulse oximetry machine is called desaturation. Generally, babies with this disorder will be able to handle it themselves along with returning home (from the hospital).

4. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

This is an eye disease in which the retina has not fully developed. Most cases recover without treatment, although some serious cases require treatment, including laser surgery for very severe cases. Your baby may be examined by an ophthalmologist or child retina specialist to be diagnosed and get treatment if needed.

5. Yellow sore

Babies will experience jaundice when bilirubin accumulates in the blood. As a result, the skin will look yellowish. Jaundice can occur in babies of any race or skin color. Handle it by placing a baby who is not wrapped in clothes under a special light (his eyes must be covered to protect them).

5 Common Problems Occur in Premature Birth Children
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