Why Is My Face So Red After Exercising?


Medical Video: DermTV - Why Exercise Makes Your Face Red [DermTV.com Epi #286]

Sports offer many benefits for the body which is a shame if missed. In addition to making you sweat more, exercise will also make your skin suddenly feel warm or hot and look reddish. Especially on the part of your face. So, what causes the skin to heat up and red face after exercise? Does this mean you are exercising too hard? See the explanation below.

Blushing after exercise is the body's natural response

red face after exercise
Source: Fitness Tracker

When you exercise, your body produces heat. When your body heats up, the core temperature and temperature of your skin will increase. As a natural response to stabilize body temperature, capillaries in the face and throughout the body will expand and widen.

This widening is called vasodilation and makes your skin red because more blood is carried by capillaries under your skin. However, because facial skin tends to be thin, the part of your face will appear redder than other body parts.

Not everyone can express this reaction clearly. In many cases, this condition is more common in those who have light-colored skin than dark. In addition, usually people who have more capillaries in the skin of the cheeks and chin, as well as people who have rosacea and vasomotor dysfunction, the skin of their faces also tends to look redder when exercising than others.

Even so, you don't worry. This reaction will usually not last long. However, factors such as fitness and exercise intensity will affect the level of redness that appears on your skin. In general, if your body temperature is in a normal and stable state, your facial skin will not flush again.

Red face after exercise can also be a symptom heat stroke

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Red face when exercising is normal. However, if your face is red when exercise is accompanied by excessive sweating, a high fever is above 40 degrees Celsius, kliyengan, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness, immediately rest. Because, this can be a symptom of heat stroke aka heat stroke.

Heat stroke is the condition of body temperature that rises sharply and suddenly in a fast time, but your body is unable or not have enough time to cool down. As a result you feel great heat, not only from outside the body but also from the inside.

Heat stroke usually occurs when a person is exposed to heat from the environment outside his body's tolerance, for example when the weather is unusually hot.Heat stroke can also be triggered by fatigue due to high-intensity physical activity that can increase body temperature, such as exercise during the day for a long time.

This condition must not be ignored. If not addressed immediately, heat stroke can trigger damage to the brain and other organs. Even in severe cases, this condition can also cause death.

To prevent this, you should not exercise during broad daylight, when the weather is hot. Try scheduling sports or other physical activities when the air temperature is low, for example in the morning or evening.

Why Is My Face So Red After Exercising?
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