3 Kick Protecting Yourself from Ex-Lovers


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Not everyone can quickly move and give up a love affair that runs aground on the road. Broken heart hurts. But this does not justify the actions of some people who then stalk their ex-boyfriend wherever they go. Not satisfied just by trailing, they also kept calling and sending messages asking for locations or just asking questions - as if the relationship had never ended. Some people even appear in places where the ex is without guilt. Creepy? Indeed. If this also happens to you, consider the following tips to protect yourself from annoying stalker ex-girlfriends.

Behavior stalking classic signs from possessive couples

One in four women are victims of the stalking of their former spouse. Stalking is a form of emotional abuse that can happen to anyone.

The tendency of your ex-girlfriend to stalk you can actually smell the signal since you were together. Stalking behavior is usually a classic sign of possessive and control-crazy couples. Try to remember again, how many times he called or asked for your location in a day (even though you clearly confirmed it, even sending photos of evidence).

A possessive partner often makes you shed all your time, energy, and attention only for himself. He will limit your relationship with people around you, even with your own family. He may also manipulate you to make you feel guilty and finally get what he wants (you).

Does a former stalker boyfriend interfere with your life? Get rid of this style

When you begin to realize that your ex-partner is starting to interfere with your new life, it's time to find a way to free yourself. Here are some tips that you can do:

1. Always be vigilant

Accusing a stalker ex-boyfriend may be a little difficult if indeed you are still active in the same area or field. For example, one office, one campus, or a gang friend. There must be some places that are likely to be with you and the ex-visitor.

If your suspicion is still unfounded, you should not immediately confront the former to avoid something that can endanger you. But that does not mean you have to be ignorant and do not care. If this "exposure" happens quite often, immediately record the date and time, location, what the situation is about you, and the movements of your ex. This is done to guess the pattern of the former stalking and make a plan of self-rescue.

You are the one who understands yourself the most. Therefore, trust your instincts if the heart says something is wrong with the "meeting". For example, suddenly the former becomes a new member in your gym, even though he used to be the laziest to exercise. Or suddenly your car tire is flat on a quiet road, and "really happened" the ex is passing.

Try making sudden changes to your routine, to find out if your ex is still following. For example, through another road to go home or eat in a place you don't normally go to. Keep repeating this spontaneous change until you are absolutely sure of your suspicion.This note is also useful when you need legal assistance.

Bring pepper spray wherever you go if needed.

2. Fortress yourself

Most stalkers will reason differently to be able to meet their ex, whether it's because they miss, ask for feedback, or ask for something to help. They can also look sincere when expressing their "intentions," which make you falter. A former stalker boyfriend can even be reluctant to threaten you by saying he will commit suicide if you don't return to him.

Once again, you are the one who understands yourself the most. Entrust your instincts if you suspect that this is only the ex-trick. Abusive behavior that it's never unexpected and you never know when you will have to stay away from them. The more you engage in machinations of ex-stalker girlfriends, the situation can actually get worse.

If this annoying ex-stalker asks to be friends again, refuse carefully but firmly. Block all the ex numbers and social media accounts. If necessary, you also change the number and only give the new number to people you really trust.

3. Don't hesitate to ask someone for help

Abusive relationship victims often blame themselves for the terror that befell them. You might blame yourself why you just wanted to get in touch with him or why he didn't realize the strange signs of him from the beginning. This guilt is what the ex-stalker boyfriend really wants so you want to come back to him.

No one can predict what what the ex-lover will do after your relationship ends.So, don't hesitate to tell the person closest to you what you are experiencing. They are the first line of your defense and help if something bad happens. Surround yourself with friends and family who can help you through this.

If you still feel unsafe to travel alone, ask your friends or family members to accompany you for a while. Having a "third person" in the middle of you and the ex can make him hesitate to approach you.

If you think that you might be a victim of stalking or other forms of emotional or physical abuse, contact the National Commission on Violence Against Violence (Komnas Perempuan) complaint hotline at + 62-21-3903963 or police emergency number 110.

3 Kick Protecting Yourself from Ex-Lovers
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