4 Stale Myths That Don't Need to Be Trusted Against the Real Love Problem


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The story of true love that tells the story of the princess marrying the white horse prince often makes many people lulled by the sweet end of the story. Does true love really exist? Or the shadow and principles that you have had about love have made you never find heartbreak?

Does true love really exist, or is it just a myth?

Here are some false myths about true love that you might still believe to this day.

1. There is only one soul mate in the world

Not always. Closing yourself up and just hoping that your soul mate will knock on the door of your house is wrong. Don't then refuse someone who approaches you, just because you are "sure" he is not your soul mate. No one's mate knows. You cannot learn how to connect with others if you have never tried it.

Limiting interactions can also prevent you from developing your potential, emotional intelligence, and maturity of mindset. Spend enough time exploring adventure and making friends with the various people out there, so you finally know exactly what you really want in life and meet the right people.

2. If you really love each other, you shouldn't fight

Conflict in a relationship is normal. There are no two humans in this world who were created exactly, both in principle and in his mindset.

A fight is one form of expressing your feelings and your partner so that you can be a more mature and wise person. This is a sign of how your relationship really grows and develops, not stagnating in one place. Quarrels can also be useful to strengthen communication between you two. Originally, the anger was not excessive and ultimately led to violence.

3. Couples will not be attracted to others

Submitting feelings to others, cheating, until the right-left lyrics are a normal part of the twists and turns of romance. The theory of revolution even links this with human natural instincts. Even so if you and your partner are both committed to being loyal, don't just complain then close your ears to the explanation. Good communication is two-way, consisting of talking and listening. This is the main key to a harmonious and lasting relationship.

4. Couples need to fulfill all my needs

Well, this myth is the one most often believed. In fact, no one can fulfill all your needs. Because, your needs will definitely change over time and you may not understand the cause.

All you can do in a relationship is to keep trying to bring yourself to be a better individual every day. If you are lucky, the couple will do the same. Believe me, relationships that are woven together slowly, will gradually make what you need be fulfilled.

4 Stale Myths That Don't Need to Be Trusted Against the Real Love Problem
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