What Do You Need to Do for Pregnant Women When Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes?


Medical Video: What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar during pregnancy. In most cases, this disease is temporary and will disappear after giving birth. Then, what should be done when diagnosed with gestational diabetes while pregnant?

Who is at risk for gestational diabetes while pregnant?

In the world, cases of gestational diabetes can reach 200 thousand each year and the incidence ranges from 1-14 percent of all pregnancies. Data from American Pregnancy states that 2 to 5 percent of pregnant women have this disease and the number will increase 7 to 9 percent if the mother has a risk factor.

The risk factors include:

  • Aged over 25 years.
  • Personal and family health history. If you are in prediabetes, your chances of developing gestational diabetes increase. Similarly, if there are families who have a history of diabetes, both type 1 and type 2.
  • Being overweight, when your body mass index before pregnancy is 30 or even higher.

Usually screening is done when your pregnancy turns 24-28 weeks. This is because in this age range the placenta produces a large number of hormones that can cause insulin resistance. Therefore, at this gestational age the mother can usually find out whether she is positive or negative for this disease.

What you need to do when diagnosed with gestational diabetes while pregnant

When you are diagnosed with this disease, the doctor will usually recommend a routine examination, especially during the last three months of your pregnancy. During this time, the doctor will continue to monitor blood sugar levels and ask you to do the same thing every day to do at home.

If you experience problems controlling blood sugar, your doctor will usually prescribe insulin. If you experience other pregnancy complications, you may need additional tests to evaluate the health of the baby in the womb. Usually the tests performed include placental function tests.

The placenta is an organ that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the baby through the blood. If this disorder is difficult to control, this usually affects the placenta and threatens the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your baby.

Strategies that can be done to control gestational diabetes

The most important thing you need to do when you detect this health disorder is to focus on monitoring and controlling blood sugar levels to keep you and your baby healthy and avoid complications that may occur during pregnancy and birth. Some strategies that you can do are:

1. Monitor blood sugar levels

Usually, after being diagnosed, the doctor will ask you to check blood sugar levels as much as 4-5 times a day. This is done to ensure blood sugar is in a healthy range. The first test you can do in the morning after you have breakfast.

2. Apply a healthy diet

Eating healthy and recommended foods for diabetics is one of the effective ways to control blood sugar levels and prevent weight gain that is too large. Eating foods with a low glycemic index is a mandatory thing you need to start every day.

Prioritize foods that are rich in nutrients and high in fiber and low in fat and calories such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Another important thing is that you must limit yourself to eating foods high in carbohydrates and sugar.

3. Regular exercise

Regular physical exercise is beneficial for health, whether pregnant or not. Exercise can help lower blood sugar by stimulating the body to move glucose into energy.

Exercise can also increase cell sensitivity to insulin. As a bonus, exercise can also help relieve pregnancy discomfort including back pain, muscle cramps, constipation, and sleep problems. Swimming, relaxing walks, doing light housework, and gardening can be included in the exercises that you can do every day.

4. Treatment

If a healthy diet and exercise are not enough to control your blood sugar, doctors will usually ask you to inject insulin to reduce blood sugar levels in the body. Some doctors will also prescribe safe and effective drinking drugs to control gestational diabetes.

5. Monitor baby's development regularly

Periodically monitor your baby's development. Usually the doctor will ask you to consult regularly to monitor the growth and development of the baby with an ultrasound (USG) test. This type of diabetes does not cause birth defects. However, if it does not control risk of respiratory problems and obesity in children.

The most important thing is to routinely consult your doctor to monitor your condition and your baby's day to day. In addition, follow the advice and instructions given by the doctor to prevent the severity of the condition.

What Do You Need to Do for Pregnant Women When Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes?
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