5 Lifestyle Changes If You Have Prediabetes


Medical Video: Stopping Diabetes Before it Starts

AYou must be familiar with diabetes. However, have you ever heard of the terms prediabetes or prediabetes? Prediabetes or more commonly called prediabetes is a condition where your sugar levels are higher than usual but have not been categorized into diabetes.People who have been diagnosed with prediabetes must change their lifestyle, because if you don't, your prediabetes will definitely continue to be type 2 diabetes, and your risk of getting it heart disease and stroke even more sharply. Then how do you do it? See the tips in this article.

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes or prediabetes is a condition in which a person has a sugar level above normal but cannot be diagnosed as diabetes. Simply put, someone who has pre-diabetes can be called a candidate for type 2 diabetes. Why is that? Because those who are currently in prediabetes will have a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Prediabetes can affect adults and children. Even so, this condition can normalized without the need for medication, or just by making healthy lifestyle changes such as eating healthy foods, increasing physical activity, and maintaining weight.

Lifestyle changes for prediabetes

1. Apply a healthy diet

One of the key lifestyle changes for prediabetes is implementing a healthy diet. A diet plays an important role in controlling your blood sugar so that it doesn't develop into type 2 diabetes. You can change your diet by reducing your intake of simple carbohydrates such as flour, white rice, bread, or noodles.

Expand your intake of vegetables and fruits, and lean protein. Don't forget, also reduce your sugar intake from food and drinks that you consume everyday. If necessary, use a low-calorie and sugar-free sweetener that is healthier for you.

2. Lose weight

Obesity is the biggest risk factor for diabetes. That is why, if you have excess weight or obesity, try to lose weight until you reach your ideal body weight. Although not easy, pdecreasing a few kilograms of your body weight can already make a big difference.

Reducing around 7 percent of total body weight by changing a healthier diet can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58 percent. Therefore, maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce your risk of developing diabetes later on.

3. Actively moving

Apart from those mentioned above, active moves are also part of lifestyle changes for prediabetes that must be lived. Exercise regularly.

No need for high intensity exercise, you can do itbrisk walk for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. Besides being able to help prevent a rise in blood sugar after eating, your muscles that are active after exercise will also use insulin more efficiently.

4. Get enough sleep

Uncontrolled stress levels are closely related to sleep deprivation. Well, this certainly will have a negative impact on your body's metabolic processes. The problem is, prediabetes is a condition that is strongly related to one's metabolism.

Not only that, the person who sleeping less than 6 hours every night for about 6 years has a 4 times greater risk of prediabetes because the blood sugar surge is above normal. Sleep deprivation also increases your riskexperience insulin resistance so that blood sugar levels rise.

5. Stop smoking

If you are an active smoker, start quitting smoking. This is because smoking can increase the risk of developing diabetes later in life. Based on various studies, it is known that smoking is more at risk of developing diabetes by 50 percent or more compared to people who do not smoke, and heavy smokers have a higher risk of diabetes.

5 Lifestyle Changes If You Have Prediabetes
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