5 Physical Examinations that Men Must Do Before Marriage


Medical Video: Can any blood tests confirm male infertility before marriage? - Dr. Shwetha Pramodh

Wedding day is one of the most important days in life. Many things must be prepared carefully, starting from the guest list, ordering building, looking for a catering place,wedding organizer, and of course find the most perfect wedding dress. Are you sure everything is done? Eits ... Have you checked your health, haven't you? Health check before marriage is important, you know! Why is it important and what are the prenatal health tests that a prospective groom needs to do?

The importance of undergoing a health check before marriage

Medical tests before marriage are equally important for the two prospective brides. Your health condition can affect the pregnancy process and the health of your child to your grandchild later.

During this time, the public may be more familiar with the variety of health checks before marriage for women. However, men are also actually required to undergo a series of tests before the official pairs of rings. Men both have a share to reduce a certain condition or disease in a family tree.

Although a health check can also be done before planning a pregnancy, it's a good idea to check your health before marriage. Knowing the health conditions of each party will make planning to build a household more mature. That way, you can make better decisions after knowing the health risks that may be experienced by you and your future child, if you remain steady going to the level of marriage.

For example, at what age you and your partner should try to get pregnant and if there are certain diseases that must be treated first before seeking offspring.

Types of pre-marriage health tests that need to be done by men

Pre-marriage health checks for men can be done several months before the wedding and are expected to make the bridegroom know the general picture of his physical and mental condition so that he is better prepared to face the household.

The following are five types of health checks that are at least mandatory before men get married.

1. Blood test

Blood stores a lot of information about the owner of the body. The type of blood test that is generally done before marriage is a complete blood count to get a general picture of the health of an individual and detect conditions for anemia, polycythemia, and leukemia.

Blood and rhesus also do not forget to be examined. This needs to be done to determine the compatibility of rhesus and its effects on the mother and baby. If the prospective partner has different rhesus, chances are the mother will have a child with different rhesus. This can be harmful to the health of children in the womb because it can damage blood cells and cause anemia and organ defects in the baby.

In addition, the HbA1C blood test can also detect the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and measure cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL levels.

2. Tests for venereal disease and sexually transmitted diseases

Having a venereal disease test before and after marriage is the ideal way for husband and wife to be open to each other about their latest and most accurate health status. This is not a matter of mere suspicion and distrust, but rather about respecting one another. This is an important factor if you want to continue to advance through a quality household ark.

Venereal disease tests can detect various venereal diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, and HIV which generally do not show symptoms. If it is not detected early, sexual diseases can cause infertility, even cancer. Some of these venereal diseases can also be passed on to your child later, both the transfer of infection during childbirth or tangible complications of birth defects.

3. Genetic tests

"Talent" disease can be lowered from parent to child. Even in some cases, hereditary diseases can also skip one generation, from grandparents directly to his grandson.

Genetic tests can detect whether you have "seeds" of disease that can be passed on to your grandchildren later, and if yes, how much risk your offspring can get to them Some fairly common genetic diseases are reduced such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression to rare ones such as Down syndrome, color blindness, thalassemia, and sickle cell anemia.

4. Check fertility

Infertility problems are not a burden that is only borne by women. Men also have an equal risk to this. A study even estimates that 30% of problems in infertility in marriage are caused by men.

That's why prospective grooms also have to undergo medical tests before marriage, especially undergoing semen analysis. Through this examination, the quality of your sperm can be known for sure. If the results display sperm abnormalities that can make a man infertile, doctors can help you and your partner plan a pregnancy through other methods. For example with IVF programs.

5. Psychological counseling and support

One thing that should not be forgotten in a healthy health check before marriage for men is counseling a psychologist. This examination is important to assess your mental readiness to become a family head. If you find signs that have the potential to cause stress in the household later, the therapist can advise you to undergo therapy and guidance to minimize the occurrence of conflict in the future.

Counseling is also important for detecting the risk of mental illness, especially recognizing signs of depression in men. Depression is a disease that can affect anyone. But the effect may be more fatal in men because most men do not realize the symptoms or even cover it up. Men are more prone to suicide due to untreated depression. Although the number of women who try suicide is three times that of men, but it turns out, the number of men who actually commit suicide is four times more than women.

In addition, the presence of a family history of depression in your family will allow an increased risk of depression in your child.

If you are still hesitant to undergo a health test before marriage, it is better to ask to be accompanied by a prospective wife so that the various health conditions that exist can also be directly communicated properly.

5 Physical Examinations that Men Must Do Before Marriage
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