5 Signs He Is Not the Right Life Pair for You


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Many couples who are married in a hurry at a young age because of the trend of young marriages are on the rise lately. If you are considering it, are you sure that he is the right kind of life partner?

Eits wait. Sometimes, the desire to find a life partner and a love that is too large can blind your eyes and mind to be able to think logically.

Well, don't just because you want to follow the trend— or hot constantly asked "when to marry?" - You are ignoring the warning signs that try to tell that he is actually not the right partner for you.

A sign that he is not the right partner for you

Indeed there is no perfect person in this world. However, this does not mean you then turn a blind eye to the bad things you receive from your partner. According to Professor Berit Brogaard of the University of Miami, it would be difficult to find out whether the person is right or not for you if you are in the wrong mindset.

Well, maybe the following signs should be more careful so you don't regret later.

1. Feel anxious and uncomfortable every time together

Do you always feel uncomfortable or reluctant to speak for fear of offending him? Or do you feel anxious about your appearance and not confident in front of him? Or maybe you are always busy looking for the topic of conversation the night before you meet him?

Try to find out what causes you to feel this. Talk about these things to your partner and try to find a solution. However, if it keeps repeating or not getting better, maybe you should open your eyes wider and accept the worst possibility that it's not the best partner for you.

A relationship is woven not to create discomfort. On the contrary, to create relationships that make each other comfortable. If you can never enjoy time together, it seems that you need to think a thousand times more to bring this relationship to a higher level.

2. You and your partner have different principles

Principles are basic values ​​that you embrace and cannot be compromised. You have your own principles, and so does he. For example, the principle of parenting raises a different child.

Changing principles can be done by compromising. But this must also come from personal desires and considerations, not from the influence or coercion of others.

But if the distance between your principle difference and your partner is too large so that it is difficult to unite, it seems you need to think again to continue this relationship. If you force it, chances are that you will get a much more complicated problem later on.

The difference in principle at the beginning can be a gateway to many other important disagreements. Little by little, it becomes a hill, remember this saying, right? Well, this certainly will not have a good impact on the future of your relationship.

3. Couples don't respect you

A love affair like a partnership. You and your partner are in an equal position, and ideally you should have mutual respect and respect for each other.

Lack or lack of respect will sink your relationship into the brink of destruction. Harassing and demeaning behavior, even as simple as not apologizing when he made a mistake or even turned your back on you, is a cautionary sign that you really need to pay close attention. Especially if he has the heart to play rough and rebuke you with insulting words.

Verbal, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse is a destroyer of relationships that are often ignored. Moreover, there is a lot of disrespect that can be demonstrated in subtle and manipulative ways so you might not realize it. Don't tolerate and understand this behavior, whatever you love your partner.

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4. Your partner only asks for attention, without acting otherwise

Who, who doesn't want to be showered with love and affection all the time? However, a healthy love affair should be marked by both parties who are both trying to please each other

Do not ignore the behavior of possessive and selfish couples who have no medication. For example, constantly checking your cellphone for no reason, always wanting to know where you are every minute, to limit or even forbid you to take a walk with old friends on the basis of "want to be alone" only. Especially if when you really need his attention, he is never there for you - difficult to contact or always busy reasons.

If you feel that you are feeling more and more oscillated, are not in the same position, and often wonder about your actual status in his eyes, try to think more clearly whether you are truly happy with someone who is ignorant?

5. Your partner cannot give security

Try to remember, what your partner did when you were emotional or sad. How does he deal with your emotions? Does he try to be a good listener and comfort you when needed (even as simple as giving a drink), or even just leave you alone while he is busy himself?

Dr. Brown said, couples who are able to provide comfort in any condition is one strong sign that you have found the right person. But on the contrary, if the couple tends to be indifferent and even silence you without doing anything, it could be that he is not the right partner for you.

The most important thing is not to rush into deciding whether he is the right partner for you. Look at each process and ask yourself, is he really the person you are looking for to spend the rest of your life together?

5 Signs He Is Not the Right Life Pair for You
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