6 Signs Men Can Not Satisfy Their Couples on Beds


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Almost every man feels very confident to satisfy his partner in bed. Even though the reality is not always the case. Various studies say only about 25 percent of women who succeed in climax each time making love. Hmmm ... This dissatisfaction could be the reason why he keeps refusing to have sex with you. Remember, sex is a fun activity when both parties are equally satisfied - not only are men alone. Sex in the end also affects the permanence of the household. So, let's, especially for husbands, immediately leave various ways to satisfy your wife who are clearly wrong the following.

How to satisfy the wrong wife during sex

1. Don't warm up first

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Most people assume that sex is a spontaneous activity: open clothes, penetrate, orgasm, wear clothes again. Eits, wait a minute. This assumption is actually dangerous, you know!

In a way, sex is a sport. Before exercise, you need to warm up so that your body is better prepared and prevents injury, right? Likewise with sex. The warm-up round before sex is usually called foreplay. This is useful for helping women to be aroused and excited, which is generally characterized by a "wet" vagina.

Penetrating the penis directly into the dry vagina can cause pain during sex, maybe even the vagina also bleeds. This is certainly not a way to satisfy your ideal wife. What is there, he might be going to give up for the next round.

The ideal average heating time isat least 15 minutes so that the wife is really aroused and ready to have sex. Even the longer the time spent by a husband and wife for foreplay, the orgasm that will be experienced by both will be more stable because their bodies are both ready.

Psstt ... There are many foreplay techniques that you can practice to seduce your wife.

2. Ask when it reaches a climax

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Maybe you mean well when you ask, "You have a climax, haven't you?" In the heat of the lovemaking session. You might worry he can't orgasm when you are about to "get out", want to climax together, or want to make sure your service is satisfying enough.

Even so, the question will only disperse the wife's interest. Many women who have never had an orgasm before, so sometimes there is fear and anxiety that haunts when welcoming what you have never felt before. The same anxiety can also make a woman feel very worried about her body condition and physical appearance - "can I not orgasm because something is wrong with my body?" This anxiety can prevent him from reaching orgasm. And to be able to reach the desired orgasm, relaxation is the solution.

Finally, your partner will inevitably lie and the game will stop before it reaches a climax. It's really disappointing isn't it? In fact, it ruins your partner's expectations of satisfying sex sessions.

Instead of continuing to worry and make sure the wife has to be able to orgasm, take advantage of the time you spend together on the bed to strengthen your inner bond and intimacy between you. Say praising words or give more touch to the place your partner likes.

3. Apologize for orgasm first

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Apology is a good thing. However, apologizing just because you go out first will only kill your wife's passion. It's the same as you feel guilty and intend to end the game while it's still hot.

Who has an orgasm first is not really a problem. You can still continue sex in other ways to replace your wife's satisfaction. For example, by oral sex or stimulating the clitoris by playing hands. Remember, sex is an activity that involves both parties so that they are both satisfied.

4. Change position when the pair starts to repons

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Most men play the role of controlling the game on the bed. However, that does not mean you can change the strategy at will in the middle of the round.Especially if your partner has just shown a response.

You can see your partner's satisfaction from the expression on his face. There is no harm in occasionally asking "How good is this?" "Continue?" Or "What if I'm like this?". If your partner really likes your game, then continue your mainstay technique.Changing the game when the couple starts responding, can kill the partner's satisfaction.

5. Fear of doing something new

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Routines can feel very boring. Likewise with the sex position and the technique that's all. So, there's no harm in trying something new. For example if you both only have sex on the bed, occasionally try to take a shower together while making love in the bathroom. Or if you want to adventure, try sex in a car.

Similarly, sex positions are always standard missionaries. There are many challenging sex positions that you can try, but remember to always discuss with your partner first if he wants to try it. If yes, also note the response shown by the partner. If your partner likes it, then continue. Do not continue if your partner shows the opposite response.

Trying something new is not wrong. In fact, it will strengthen your portfolio and experience about how to satisfy your wife.

6. Consider sigh = satisfaction

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It is wrong if you judge the satisfaction of a partner from a moan or the sound of a sigh that is issued. It does not mean sighing the sign of a woman having an orgasm. The sigh that comes out of his mouth can give many meanings.

Maybe he really enjoys what you do, maybe it also shows that your partner feels that someone is uncomfortable and wants you to change the game through the code. Others claim to sigh just to please their partners.

So, make sure to always communicate with him while having sex even though. Tanny gave her, "Is this position good for you?" "Do you want me to do this all the time?" "Does this hurt?" That way, you will know what the actual sigh is.

6 Signs Men Can Not Satisfy Their Couples on Beds
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