7 Ways to Overcome Razor Burn, Irritations that Appear After Shaving Vaginal Hair


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Shaving fine hair in the vaginal area is often done to maintain cleanliness and some do it to maintain the appearance of the vagina. Shaving is not prohibited and is not harmful to the vagina. However, if you are not careful when shaving vaginal hair, you can experience irritation or scarring. The wound caused by shaving fine hair is usually called the term razor burn.

Like what razor burn that?

If you shave vaginal hair, then suddenly feel itchy or uncomfortable, you may experience it razor burn.

Razor burn usually it will appear as a red rash, which can sometimes develop into a red lump. Lumps may feel sore like burning and more sensitive to the touch.

Actually, you can experience these symptoms wherever you shave fine hair. For example on the face, legs and armpits, or around the shaving area. This condition is usually temporary and will disappear by itself over time.

Does shaving vaginal hair always cause irritation?

Shaving the vaginal hair does not always cause irritation or injury. However, you can experience it razor burn because of the different causes in each person.

Here are some errors when shaving vaginal hair which can eventually result in a razor burn.

  • Shave without lubrication, such as shaving cream.
  • Shave towards your hair growing.
  • Using an old razor.
  • Using a razor clogged with hair, soap, or shaving cream.
  • Shave one part too much.
  • Hurry up when shaving so it's not careful.
  • Using certain shaving products that irritate your skin.

It is important to remember that your razor is a tool that must be maintained and replaced as needed. Even if you use the right lubricant and shaver in the right direction, a blunt or blocked razor can cause you to experiencerazor burn.

How to overcomerazor burnafter shaving the vaginal hair

If you experience symptomsrazor burn,It is better to leave your vaginal area first and do not shave it for several weeks to prevent further irritation. You can take care at home or with some natural ingredients.

1. Cold compress

Cold compresses can help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness. Wrap a few blocks of ice cubes with a clean towel and paste them into an irritated area for 5-10 minutes, several times a day.

2. Warm compresses

After the irritation has subsided a little, warm compresses can help prevent the development of bacteria and reduce swelling. Wet a cloth or clean towel with warm water. Apply this warm towel to the irritated area for 5-10 minutes. Reheat and paste warm compresses as needed.

3. Honey

Genuine honey has antibacterial properties, which reduce further irritation and can also reduce swelling. Gently apply honey to the irritated area, and leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

4. Wear loose cotton pants

Cotton can reduce sweat and further irritation, and wearing loose pants can help your vaginal area breathe more freely and reduce friction.

5. Oatmeal bath

Oatmeal contains phenol which can reduce itching and irritation. Jam, phenol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe, cleanse and moisturize the skin. Soak your vaginal area of ​​water that has been added to oatmeal for 15 minutes, once a day.

6. Apply aloe vera

Genuine aloe vera can irritate the skin. Apply fresh aloe vera pieces to the affected area as needed. If you want to use aloe gel, make sure the gel does not contain fragrances, alcohol, or other chemicals.

7. Use a cream remedy

You can also use over-the-counter medications in the form of topical creams. Look for creams that contain hydrocortisone, which serves to reduce swelling and soothe reddish skin.

However, be careful when using any ingredient in your genital area. Chemical drugs or herbal medicines may cause side effects. The best solution is to immediately see a doctor so that the doctor can provide the most appropriate and safe treatment.

Preventrazor burnafter shaving the vaginal hair

You do not have to shave the affected area until your symptoms disappear. After the area is healed, there are a number of steps you can take to make sure you don't experience it razor burn again.

  • Prune the pubic hair with small clean scissors. Cut pubic hair up to a quarter of an inch. This prevents hair from getting caught and trapped in a razor.
  • A warm bath will soften the hair follicles and make shaving softer and smoother.
  • Use a shaving cream with soothing ingredients, such as aloe vera, to help prevent irritation.
  • Shave towards hair growth and shave slowly.
  • Gently wipe the vaginal area with a clean towel after shaving pubic hair.
7 Ways to Overcome Razor Burn, Irritations that Appear After Shaving Vaginal Hair
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