7 Yoga Poses That Can Be Done with a Spouse


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Yoga means uniting mind, body, and soul. Besides being done individually, yoga can also be done with your partner. Who doesn't like to stretch, breathe, and move your body with your favorite person? It doesn't matter who is in position A or position B, as long as both of them feel fine. To find out more about the paired yoga poses, let's look below!

Various yoga poses in pairs

1. Sit in pairs by turning spinal


Sit back to meet your back in a comfortable cross-legged position. Both partners must place their right hand on their partner's left thigh just above the knee, and the left hand will be placed on each other's right thigh. Next, coordinate your breathing. Each breath, stretch your spine, and on each breath, turn your spine more. After that, go back to the middle position and repeat on the other side.

2. Backbend accompanied

yoga poses

Stand back to meet your back. For partner A, bend your knees, hold your breath, lock your stomach, and start leaning forward. On the other hand, partner B relies on you. The main key in doing this movement is to trust each other. Partner A will continue to bend forward until partner B is lifted from the ground. Breathe here, and you can move in any way that feels good. Return slowly and repeat by switching positions.

Bend your knees, because this is very important for partners who are under balance. Load must be supported by feet, not back. If you don't feel good, then pass the movement, so that your partner is at the bottom.

3. Plank above plank

yoga poses

For parner A, take the position of plank with your arms shoulder width apart, arms straight and vertical, and stomach lock. Then, partner B faces partner A's leg, then puts his hand on his leg. Press down with your arms straight, then lift the legs that are closest to your partner's shoulders, and place your feet on the far side of your shoulder. Make your toes form points and press. Use your leg muscles and abdominal muscles, then place your second leg on the shoulder side closest. To maintain balance, place your shoulder on the support of your partner's ankle.

4. Couple dancers

yoga poses

Stand facing each other, then hold each other's right hand. Both partners then focus on the right leg. Bend your left knee, take part in your left calf or ankle with your left hand. Press the shin gently into your left hand. Lift your right hand up to reach the dancer's pose balance. After that lower the legs back to their original position, then repeat on the opposite side with the left hand holding each other.

5. Position kissing knees in pairs

yoga poses

This yoga pose starts with a sitting position, your back meets your back. Partner A stretches his legs forward and starts kissing his knees. If you can't, you can bend your knees slightly or place a towel under the knee for support. Partner B places both feet pressing the floor in a bent position and slowly presses backwards, making it a soft backbend. After that, take turns. This formation can stretch your back and chest.

6. Paired chairs

yoga poses

Stand your back to your back while relaxing your arms to your right and left side. Press firmly on each other to maintain balance when you first advance as wide as your hips, and then move away from your partner. Slowly, lower your body as if sitting in a chair. After reaching a 90 degree angle on your knee, hold the position until 3-5 breaths are stable. Encourage each other to get back up. This yoga pose strengthens the body and mind, while creating a deeper sensation of trust between one another.


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7 Yoga Poses That Can Be Done with a Spouse
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