4 Stomach Disorders That Often Occur During Pregnancy


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Complaints during pregnancy will usually increase as your stomach grows. Every part of the body of a pregnant woman will definitely experience changes and will usually cause complaints. The stomach may be the most 'fussy' part of your pregnancy. What are the stomach problems during pregnancy that disturb your comfort?

Pregnant stomach problems that might happen to you

1. As a result of enlarging the uterus

Do not think the enlargement of the uterus will not cause stomach upset during pregnancy. As pregnancy increases, the uterus will grow even bigger. This makes the mother feel easier, the stomach is full faster and the more difficult to breathe. All of this happens because the enlarging uterus pushes the organs in the stomach and around the abdomen.

Symptoms, pregnant women who experience problems due to enlarging the uterus will feel symptoms of discomfort. When experiencing a stomach or stomach feels full usually characterized by lazy to eat. Meanwhile, difficulty breathing can occur at any time, especially when the pregnancy is large enough and the mother feels exhausted.

Overcome with lots of rest and eat by eating a little but often. Avoid eating in large quantities at the same time because it can add to feeling full and full.

2. Ligament pain

Ligament pain is usually felt in the right or left lower abdominal area and can spread to the area around the thigh. The ligament referred to here is the round ligament which is one of the uterine supporting tissues. When the pregnancy has begun to enlarge, this ligament will stretch. This is when pregnant women will feel discomfort and pain.

Symptoms, pain in the right or left lower abdomen to spread around the thighs.Although this is a normal problem that occurs in pregnant women, especially in pregnancies aged 6 months and above, but pain sometimes makes pregnant women uncomfortable when on the move.

To overcome the pain that is very disturbing can be by prostration. Do it for approximately 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes, usually the pain will disappear by itself. Another way is to lie to the left side curled up like a baby. Maintain this position for 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes.

3. Constipation

Constipation seems to be a million problem for pregnant women, and this is also normal during pregnancy. Constipation occurs as a form of the body's way to increase the amount of food absorbed by the body. During pregnancy too, bowel movements are slower than when not pregnant, constipation often comes. BAB defects in pregnant women are also caused by the influence of hormones, such as the hormone progesterone.

Symptoms, similar to symptoms of constipation in people who are not pregnant, namely hard defecation and feeling like not complete. Gthe nod of the stomach during pregnancy sometimes makes pregnant women uncomfortable. For that, overcome it in the right way, which is to get used to consuming fiber sources of food such as fruits and vegetables.

In addition, also fulfill fluid needs (minimum 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day) to help digestion. This is mandatory to help digestion work easier.

4. Fake contractions

One form of stomach upset during pregnancy that always makes pregnant women nervous is a fake contraction. Because, who knows, it turns out you mistakenly assume the actual contractions as false contractions. False contractions or braxton hicks are uterine contractions that occur in pregnant women who enter at the end of pregnancy. False contractions occur due to widening the uterus.

The good news, this contraction of 'KW' turned out to be harmless. It is actually good as an exercise for the mother and also the fetus before facing the actual labor process. In order not to be fooled and then what happens is actually back and forth the hospital, there are symptoms of false contractions that must be known, namely by distinguishing the intensity of pain experienced.

If the uterus is just tight, physical activity is not disturbed at all by the tightness of the uterus, so you could say this is a false contraction. Conversely, if the uterus feels tight or stiff followed by a feeling of heartburn and severe pain that makes pregnant women can not do anything and can only resist heartburn, meaning you are experiencing a real contraction.

Immediately go to the hospital to assess the contraction. But if indeed you only experience a false contraction, then the way to overcome it is to take a deep breath, relax for a while, calm down and do not need to worry about anything.

4 Stomach Disorders That Often Occur During Pregnancy
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