3 Quick Steps to Overcome Heart Beat Fast Suddenly


Medical Video: How to Calm a Fast Heartbeat (Tachycardia)

Our heart beats every second to pump blood so the body can function normally. In general, adult heart rates range from 60-100 times per minute with a regular rhythm. However, we sometimes feel the heart beat fast and irregularly. What is the cause, and how to overcome it?

What causes sudden heart palpitations?

In medical terms, a heart palpitations accompanied by tightness in the chest is called heart palpitations. There are many things that can cause sudden heart palpitations, for example after exercise that is too heavy, psychological problems (such as stress, fear, anxiety, or panic attacks), excessive caffeine consumption, and certain foods such as foods high in carbohydrates, fat, and micin (MSG).

Some other causes of palpitations that are often found include:

  • Certain diseases or conditions, such as excess thyroid hormone, anemia (low red blood cells), lack of blood sugar (hypoglycemia), fever, lack of fluids (dehydration) and low blood pressure.
  • Hormonal changes, especially during menstruation, pregnancy and before menopause.
  • Side effects of drugs such as asthma, decongestants, diet drugs, and anti-arrhythmia drugs.
  • Blood electrolyte levels that are not normal

Heart palpitations may also be caused by more serious heart problems. Usually, irregular heart rhythms caused by coronary heart disease, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, heart valve disorders, and heart muscle disorders. If your heart palpitates are caused by a heart disease, usually there will be other symptoms that accompany it - such as dizziness, body feeling floating or shakiness, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

The higher the speed of your heart, the lower your blood pressure can cause you to faint. Heart rate that is too fast as in atrial fibrillation can form blood clots. This blood clot can cause clogging of the heart and brain resulting in cardiac arrest or stroke.

How do you deal with heart palpitations?

When palpitations occur they generally won't last long. Handling of palpitations must be in accordance with the cause. But in general, the following strategies can be done as an emergency step:

  1. Avoid these stressors and anxiety. For example, by moving alone to a more quiet and calm place.
  2. Lie down for a while. You can also deal with stress by exercising relaxation, deep breathing, or listening to music to distract yourself. If possible, you can do yoga, tai chi, or meditation while inhaling aromatherapy.
  3. Immediately stop consumption which can cause palpitations, such as alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, caffeine (tea, coffee, energy drinks), and certain foods.

It is important to note whenever a heart palpitates suddenly, and what you have been or have just done before that happens. This note is useful for knowing the patterns and triggers. Also note what your heart rate is at the time of the event, and whether there are other symptoms that accompany it.

If after the above methods, your heart still continues to feel palpitations or added to experiencing dizziness, feeling of float, chest pain and tightness, you should immediately go to the doctor to check your condition. If your irregular heartbeat problem is really caused by a heart disease, then the doctor will provide treatment according to the underlying condition.

If palpitations occur with the following signs, you should immediately seek medical attention:

  • Can not breathe normally
  • Dizziness and / or chest pain
  • Fainted

The importance of maintaining heart health

In general, long-term heart rhythm problems can be managed with the following four principles:

  • Healthy heart-friendly diets, such as the Mediterranean diet involving various vegetables and fruits, olive oil, whole grains, nuts, fish, low / non-fat dairy products, and whole grains.
  • Always active every day, or if not, most days of the week. Your doctor can tell you what level of exercise is safe for you.
  • Lower weight if you feel the need, and keep a healthy weight.
  • Manage other health problems you may have, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
3 Quick Steps to Overcome Heart Beat Fast Suddenly
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