Addictions to Porn Films Are Not Only Damaging the Brain


Medical Video: How porn addiction destroys your brain and why you must fix it IMMEDIATELY?

Everyone who watches pornographic films, both men and women, has a reason that watching porn can develop sexual fantasies and encourage sexual stimulation when having sex with a partner. Of course it's fine if you and your partner can get help from a blue film, but if it's too often and until the stage is 'addicted', be careful.

A study in Germany revealed that watching porn movies too often could have a negative impact on brain health. Reported CompassThe researchers found that too often or regularly watching porn movies could make brain volume in the striatum area shrink. Striatum itself is a brain region that has a connection with motivation.

Another with research from Cambridge University in 2013, the brain of someone who likes watching porn movies is similar to drug addicts. Based on the results of the scan, there are three brain regions that are more active in people who like to watch pornographic films from an early age than those who don't.

Unfortunately, the impact of watching porn is not only damaging the brain. What are the other effects?

1. Loss of sexual arousal

A study published in the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine showed that of the 28,000 men who were the object of research, most watched pornographic films since young, around the age of 14-20 years.

"More and more young Italian men suffer from sexual anorexia and are unable to erect because of the use of the internet for pornography which usually starts in adolescence," said study leader Marnia Robinson.

Sexual anorexia here describes the condition of reduced appetite or sexual arousal. Usually people who have experienced this fear fear intimacy, sexual contact, shame, and self-hatred for their sexual experiences. Robinson himself said that the reason why people like to watch porn or opium movies with pornography and experience sexual anorexia is a physiological, not psychological problem.

2. Erectile dysfunction

People who are addicted to watching porn films will be at higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction or impotence. Professor Carlo Foresta, professor of urology at the University of Padua, Italy found that 70% of youth who seek clinical help for sexual problems are due to pornography addiction problems on the internet.

"Many young men aged 20 years or more cannot get girls in the real world, making them have the habit of watching pornographic films or excessive masturbation," he said.

They will never be open to discussing this with a friend or colleague for fear that it will become a laughingstock. But when one of them tells the problem in a health forum, there will be many replies from other people who also experience the same problem, "said one participant Professor Foresta.

According to Professor Foresta, impotence or erectile dysfunction associated with pornography can be cured. However, in the recovery period, it takes 4-12 weeks to avoid intense sexual stimulation.

3. So you are not interested in having sex in the real world

In another study, the result of being addicted to watching porn was to make a man not interested in sex in the real world. This study found that pornography can make men not get joy with real sexual activity with their partners.

This can happen because watching porn makes dopamine stimulation occur continuously. As a result, the brain loses the ability to respond to normal dopamine levels, and people who are already addicted to porn need a more extreme sexual experience in order to be aroused in the real world.

Pornographic statistics

The following are published statistical data Psychguides about the fact of pornography in the world.

  • 1 in 5 searches on the internet via a device smartphone or handphone is pornography.
  • Men who are happily married are 61% less likely to see pornography.
  • 20% of men see pornography while working.
  • 88% of pornographic scenes contain physical aggression, and 49% contain verbal aggression.


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Addictions to Porn Films Are Not Only Damaging the Brain
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