Get to know Fordyce Spot, a Small Spot that Often Appears in the Mouth and Genital Area


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According to a study published in the Clinical Case Reports and Reviews journal, as many as 70-80 percent of adults have small wart-like spots on their genitals. Maybe you've also found it when shaving or taking a shower that had never been there before. Most cases of genital warts are associated with symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. However, you have never had sex. What does this mean, and is it dangerous?

Genital warts when you have never had sex, maybe Fordyce spot

If you have never had sex, one or two yellowish white bumps that appear on the surface of the skin of the genitals may indicate Fordyce spots. This skin condition is normal, painless and harmless - often found in the majority of adults. This condition is also not related to disease, infection, or certain medical conditions.

Until now it was unknown what caused the appearance of the Fordyce nodule. However, some studies suspect that the development of these spots is related to changes in body hormones.

In fact, these Fordyce spots have appeared on genital skin since you were born. Only, it will be clearly visible when entering puberty, when hormonal changes begin to increase the size of the warts in the genitals.

Fordyce spots tend to be small in diameter, about 1 to 3 millimeters, which are scattered at several points. But sometimes the Fordyce nodule can also cluster at one point.

Fordyce spots are more common in men

According to a research report in the Clinical Case Reports and Reviews journal, men are twice as likely to develop a Fordyce spot than women. In addition, the appearance of these spots is also more common in people who have oily skin types.

In some cases, Fordyce spots can appear around the mouth as a sign of hyperlipidemia, which is an increase in blood fat levels which is a risk factor for heart disease.

The Fordyce spot is often mistaken for genital ulcers

Although it is a normal and harmless condition, there are some skin problems that can appear similar to the Fordyce spot. Among them:

  • Milia cysts, small white bumps that appear as a group on the skin. Usually develops in the face area.
  • Epidermoid cyst. Same with the milium cyst, but a lump appears under your skin.
  • Sebaceous hyperplasia, a condition that can cause soft, small lumps.
  • Basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer that can appear as a lump, red rash, or other skin tissue growth.
  • Genital warts are symptoms of other sexually transmitted diseases. Fordyce spots that appear in the genital area of ​​the genitals often resemble the symptoms of genital warts a sign of sexually transmitted diseases.

How to deal with genital warts signs Fordyce spot

Although not dangerous, unfortunately there are some people who feel annoyed with the appearance of warts on the genitals forydce. Especially if it appears on the face, because it can interfere with appearance. Well, if that is the case, you can consult a dermatologist to get treatment that suits your needs. Some treatments that are usually recommended by doctors to eliminate or reduce Fordyce spots are:

  • Micro Punch Operation
  • Electrodisccation
  • Laser treatment
  • Topical treatment

To be sure, don't try to squeeze it if you don't want to deal with skin infections that can be troublesome and leave scars. You can clean the skin with problems with warm water and mild soap, but don't rub it too hard. The skin in the genital area and face is very sensitive, so rubbing too tight can cause problems such as rashes or irritation.

Do you need to see a doctor if you develop this condition?

Fordyce's spot is normal. This spot is not caused by any disease. In many cases, they are not even visible. But if you feel there is something strange about the appearance of warts in the genitals or around your face, you should consult a doctor to make sure this is not dangerous. Especially if there are other symptoms that accompany it, such as the lump has a crust, feels painful, itchy, and / or feels hot to the touch.

Get to know Fordyce Spot, a Small Spot that Often Appears in the Mouth and Genital Area
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