If This Occurs In Your Sex, Immediately Go to the Doctor!


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Hygiene and genital health are important things to note. Often because it is closed, you don't care too much about it. Though mushrooms are very happy to get in a damp and closed place.

When you get a genital infection, your partner can be infected, as well as if it happened to your partner. Maybe, we once felt something was wrong with our genitals, but also felt that we were fine. Finally, we are reluctant to see a doctor. Sometimes, shame also makes us not want to see a doctor.

Can you make it, the infection must still be treated. Then, is there a sign of a genital problem and you should contact a doctor?

Women and men have different and varied signs. We will start discussing it from women first. Here's the review.

Signs of genital problems in women

Vaginal problems actually do not only occur due to infection, it can also be due to the menstrual cycle, birth control pills, or changes after childbirth. There are several symptoms that are common in women, but sometimes we don't realize it. The following include:

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1. Smelly and colored vaginal discharge

Well, this is one of the initial symptoms that always occurs in vaginal problems. Clear, odorless vaginal discharge is normal. However, the vaginal liquid that smells bad and the color is yellow or green is not normal.

Vaginal fluid density usually occurs when there is a change in the menstrual cycle. But thick white vaginal discharge can be a sign of vaginal yeast infection. When the color is yellow or green, it can be one of gonorrhea, chlamydia, or trichomoniasis. Not only that, abnormal vaginal discharge can occur due to the use of certain drugs. Visit a doctor to determine the cause.

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2. Pain when urinating

Do you feel pain and heat when you urinate? If this happens, you should also visit a doctor immediately. You also need to be aware of the frequency of continuous urination, or if you bleed during urination. Usually it is one of the sexually transmitted diseases.

3. Itching in the vaginal area

Redness, swelling, itching, and pain are symptoms that you should also be aware of. The cause may not be a sexually transmitted disease, but it can be a number of things such as allergic reactions to condoms, fungal infections, or even pubic lice. Of course, you need to visit a doctor for treatment. You also have to be careful when finding small sores or ulcers around the vagina, these symptoms can be indicated as herpes, HPV, or syphilis.

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4. Pain and bleeding during sex

Maybe you can't tell which pain is due to less lubrication or pain due to certain diseases. When you already use lubrication or when your vagina is feeling wet, but still sick, it could be a sign of an illness.

Pain is usually felt in the lower abdomen or pelvis. If that happens, it is feared the cause is chlamydia and gonorrhea. Of course the disease must be treated by a doctor. Not only the disease, vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse can be symptoms of menopause.

Signs of sex problems in men

Here are some symptoms that may occur in men:

1. There is blood in the semen

When you take out semen mixed with blood, of course you will feel shocked and scared. Indeed, this condition can be indicated as a symptom of a serious illness. But it turns out, hematospernia aka blood in semen sometimes something normal happens. Usually the condition will heal by itself.

To be sure you should still consult a doctor, because it can be a symptom of inflammation of the urethra or prostate. Both can be caused by injury to the genital area and sexually transmitted infections.

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2. Inflammation of the penis

Irritations and inflammation can be caused by infections which can be caused by infection. This can also be indicated as a symptom of balanitis. Swelling and redness around the foreskin. Other symptoms can be itching. Not infrequently, swelling that presses the urethra can cause pain when urinating. You need to see a doctor to get antibiotics and creams to deal with itching.

3. Injuries and injuries to the penis

This condition can be caused by the skin on a sensitive penis. You need to be careful if the injury and wound are accompanied by a heat and burning sensation. Penile wounds can be blisters or injuries in the penis due to objects inserted into the urethra. Allergies because the use of lotions and creams can also be the cause of penile wounds. To get the right treatment, immediately visit a doctor.

4. Erection for 4 hours

Long erect penis even though you don't want to have sex may be included in the condition of priapism. If the erection lasts more than 4 hours, you should immediately visit a doctor, to get treatment. If not treated immediately, you run the risk of developing erectile dysfunction later in life.

5. The penis is bent

These symptoms can be symptoms of Peyronie's disease. Other symptoms that appear can be scarring under the skin of the penis. This tissue can create pain that causes the penis to bend during erection. If not treated immediately, you run the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

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If This Occurs In Your Sex, Immediately Go to the Doctor!
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