Is it really the Small Penis Erection Greater Than the Big Penis?


Medical Video: Penis Size - What Women REALLY Think

Many men still feel insecure or not confident about their penis size. Because the size of a person's penis is often associated with the nature or sexual ability. However, you who have a small penis don't feel inferior first. Because, recently reported that people with small penis size will actually experience a more severe erection. Is that right? Just take a look at the following review.

What is the size of a normal penile erection?

If the penis size is weak, each man is different, it turns out that the size of the penis erection is usually not much different. In an erect state, the male penis usually ranges from 12.9-15 centimeters in length. Based on a number of studies, one of them in the British Journal of Urology the average penile erection was recorded measuring 14.9 centimeters. The average size of the erection of the penis regardless of the size of the penis in a state of weakness. So, it can be concluded that a small penis and a large penis will basically reach an erection that is approximately the same size.

Is it true that the small penis has a greater erection?

When erect, a small penis will enlarge significantly. Unlike a small penis, a large penis will not enlarge significantly during erection. This was first observed in a study in the Journal of Sex Research.

From the study, it was noted that the penis is small when the erection will increase in size by 84% of its original size. Meanwhile, a large penis will only erect 47% larger than its original size. This means that a small penis will have an erection almost two times greater than a large penis. So, having a big penis does not mean that when you are aroused you will become more powerful. It is precisely the person with a small penis who can have more erection.

The penis will enlarge significantly when the erection is called the term grower, means 'the magnifier'. Whereas the penis which when the erection does not change its size is known as shower or 'showman'.

In the medical world itself there is no clear boundary between the enlarging penis and the show off penis. Because the large erection of a person's penis does not determine the condition of male health or fertility.

What are the factors that determine the erection of a person's penis?

According to an expert on urology and male reproductive health from the United States, Dr. Tobias Kohler, there are some things that can determine the erection of a person's penis. The first factor is genetic. The tissues that make up the skin around your penis may contain more collagen and elastin. Because of the content of these substances, the penis becomes more flexible and can erect up to about three centimeters.

The second factor is age. As you get older, you may not be able to erect as great as the young age again. This is a natural and normal aging process that is nothing to worry about. In addition, penile erection can also be determined by lifestyle factors. Heavy smokers and people who are addicted to alcohol tend to have problems with their erections. So, to maintain the health of your penis, living a healthy lifestyle is the most effective way.

Is it really the Small Penis Erection Greater Than the Big Penis?
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