Is it true that sex makes you sleep better?


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Having sex with your partner can be done at any time according to your wishes and comfort. But it turns out, having sex before bed can be a solution for those of you who have trouble sleeping at night. Because, after sex, sleep can be better. Is it true? See the facts here.

Sleep better, after sex

A study shows that sexual intercourse before bedtime might be the key to deep sleep. This study was conducted by recording 460 adults between the ages of 18-70 years.

The results of the study showed that 64 percent of respondents reported better sleep after sex. However, sexual intercourse reaches orgasm.

Not only having sex with a partner, but masturbating to orgasm before bed can make you sleep. This is also the result of the study, which reported that 50 percent of respondents experienced this.

How can you sleep better after sex?

Actually, there are some things that make you and your partner sleep better after having sex.

1. The body feels tired

Having sex can make your heart beat so your body feels more tired afterwards. When the body feels tired, of course you will be much easier to sleep in sleep.

2. Feel happy and comfortable

Having sex to orgasm makes the body release the hormone oxytocin which makes your brain feel safer and more calm. This hormone can be said as a sedative.

Making love with your partner can also reduce stress hormone cortisol. When you have sex, you do not think about what to do the next day and other thoughts that impose you. Your mind is distracted and finally the stress level decreases.

These hormonal changes make your body relax, so you are easier to sleep.

3. Hormonal changes

During orgasm, estrogen levels also increase. This can increase the cycle rapid eye movement(BRAKE). When a person experiences more REM cycles, the quality of his sleep is better and is definitely sound. Dreams also occur a lot when the REM cycle occurs.

So, keep the cellphone away from your hand and approach the couple

It's best to change the time you spend staring at your cellphone screen by building quality intimacy with your partner. Because building an intimate relationship with your partner before bed makes you sleep better.

While spending time staring at a cellphone screen before going to sleep, it can interfere with your sex life. A study reported that people who thought their partners were too attached to their cellphones had less satisfied sexual relations.

In addition, light emitted from cellphones can also disturb your sleep. So, when it's time to relax at night, keep your cellphone away and make your partner a priority, to create a better night's sleep.

Deep sleep can be beneficial for the body to strengthen the immune system and have more energy for activities during the day.

Is it true that sex makes you sleep better?
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