Tips for dealing with the twists and turns of romantic relationships with bipolar couples


Medical Video: Why Bipolar Marriages Have a 90% Divorce Rate!!

Making love is not easy. Especially with partners diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by changes in the extreme mood that we usually know by the termmood swings. That's why you need patience and maximum sincerity to deal with all the twists and turns that might occur during your life, both bipolar couples. Not infrequently, facing a recurrence of bipolar partner symptoms can cause stress, even depression. See tips for navigating a love affair with a bipolar couple below, so that your relationship can be stronger and more resilient.

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder) is a mental disorder that makes a person experiencing extreme mood changes and opposites.

At one time, people who had bipolar disorder could be immersed in euphoria, which is a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm that is excessive and will never subside. This extreme phase of happiness is called the mania phase and can last for at least seven days. At other times, the person can get caught up in a depressive phase that is characterized by a sense of nationality, helplessness, loss of hope, and incomparable despair that can last for at least 2 weeks.

This mental disorder can cause damage to personal relationships, low motivation, and productivity in the workplace. What's worse, bipolar disorder can lead to suicidal tendencies and / or behavior.

Twists of a romantic relationship with a bipolar partner

Making love and living together with a bipolar partner can influence your quality of life as a companion.Quoted from Healthline, a 2005 study examined a number of couples who one of them had bipolar finding that the symptoms of this mental disorder could affect their daily lives and household routines.

Bipolar disorder can make your partner appear "distant", causing tension in your relationship. You may be lonely and burdened by a pile of housework because he is too lethargic to finish when he is trapped in a depressive phase. He also might close himself from the surrounding environment during these times.

On the other hand, you might feel upset because your partner can never be quiet; acting recklessly (for example shopping insanely or even resigning from his office); talking very fast but difficult to understand; to always stay up all night while in the phase of mania.

Mood changes due to bipolar disorder are sometimes unexpected and can occur at any time without having to be triggered by something certain. This extreme mood shock can occur several times a year. But among the changes in the phase of mania and depression, mood changes and emotions can run normally as people in general. That's why dealing with a bipolar partner can really be tiring for you physically and mentally.

Tips for establishing a relationship with a bipolar partner

A bipolar partner does not mean that your relationship is the root of the problem. If bipolar disorder is a thorn in the relationship, it's time for you to act - for your partner and yourself.

1. Find out about the disease

Just like other mental disorders, bipolar disorder can be treated and cured by treatment and therapy. To support the therapy, you must first understand and understand the conditions suffered by your partner.

Bipolar disorder is often interpreted as a form of a person's character defects. In fact, bipolar disorder is a mental disorder caused by biological factors that are beyond the person's control. Some risk factors for bipolar disorder include genetic (hereditary) and abnormal brain function.

2. Find out the triggers for the symptoms and try to avoid them

Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be triggered by something. Symptoms can occur slowly, almost imperceptibly. Therefore, find out and learn what can make it relapse and try to avoid it. Also study your partner's heart situation to try to prevent the depression phase that can come at any time.

You are the one who knows your partner the most inside out. If you notice that your partner's behavior, emotional upsurge, or mindset is not as usual, ask yourself if this could be a pattern of bipolar symptoms. By observing your partner's behavior, this can also strengthen yourself and not be surprised when his mood changes quickly.

3. Show unconditional love and affection

Accept the fact that your partner is sick. Understand also because of this illness, he may not always be someone who is always full of love and affection.

But cYour sincere heart has the power to heal. If your partner is experiencing a depressive phase, tell them that you care about showing more love. It might be more difficult to do this when they are relapsing and venting their negativity on you, but it is precisely at this time that they desperately need love and affection.

Allowing depressed people to sink before offering help is totally wrong. Severe depression will be more difficult to handle, easier to relapse, and will spread more thorns in your relationship in the future. Waiting also increases the likelihood that your relationship will not last; the presence of depression in a relationship increases the risk of separation by nine times.

4. Don't forget to find support for yourself

Staying with a bipolar partner will keep you focused on the condition. However, don't let yourself forget about your health condition. You can join a support group of family members of bipolar patients who can help and strengthen you against your partner. Support and understanding from family or other friends can also help you stand up and go through this with your partner.

5. Keep yourself healthy

If you have a bipolar partner, without realizing it will make your health neglected. Researchers at Yale University School of Medicine also found that nearly a third of people living with bipolar people were very vulnerable to suffering from depression and anxiety disorders.

Therefore, be aware of symptoms of depression in yourself, especially fatigue, headaches, and persistent nausea. Segera consult with your doctor to find the right treatment and medication for you.

Tips for dealing with the twists and turns of romantic relationships with bipolar couples
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