What are the risks that anal sex can cause?


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Anal sex or anal intercourse is sexual activity that involves the entry of the penis into the anus. People have anal intercourse because the anus is full of nerve endings, so it is very sensitive. For some recipients of anal sex, the anus can be an erogenous zone that responds to sexual stimulation. For couples who give it, the anus can provide a pleasant tight feeling around the penis. Although many people find this pleasant, this activity has a number of risks and certainly requires special precautions. To find out what are the effects, let's see the full below.

Why is anal sex more risky?

There are a number of health risks associated with anal sex. According to WebMD, sex in the anus is the most risky form of sexual activity for several reasons, including the following reasons:

1. Anus does not have natural lubrication that the vagina has

Penetration can tear the inner tissues of the anus, which allows bacteria and viruses to enter the bloodstream. This can lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Studies have shown that the risk of anus exposed to HIV is 30 times greater than that of couples who have vaginal sex. Exposure human papillomavirus (HPV) can also cause the development of anal warts and anal cancer. Using a lubricant can help a little, but it doesn't really prevent tearing.

2. The tissues in the anus are not protected like the skin outside the anus

The external tissue in the anus has a layer of dead cells that serves as a protection against infection. The tissue in the anus does not have this natural protection, so it is prone to tearing and experiencing the spread of infection.

3. Anus is designed to store stool

The anus is surrounded by ring-shaped muscles, which are called anal sphincters. He usually tightens after you defecate. When muscles tighten, anal penetration can be very painful and difficult. Repeated anal sex can cause weak anal sphincter. This can make it difficult for you to resist bowel movements. However, kegel exercises can strengthen the sphincter, so that it can help prevent or correct this problem.

4. Anus is full of bacteria

Even if both partners do not have an infection or sexually transmitted disease, the normal bacteria in the anus have the potential to infect the partner who receives it. Practicing vaginal sex after anal sex can also cause urinary tract infections and vaginal infections.

Anal sex can also carry other risks. Oral contact with the anus can make both partners at risk for hepatitis, herpes, HPV, and other infections. For heterosexual couples, pregnancy can occur if semen comes close to the opening of the vagina.

Although serious injury from anal sex is not common, it can happen to you. Bleeding after anal sex can be caused by hemorrhoids or tears, or also because of something more serious such as a perforation (hole) in the large intestine. This is a dangerous problem that requires immediate medical attention. Treatment involves hospital treatment, surgery, and antibiotics to prevent infection.

How to prevent pain and damage to the anus

There are several steps you can take to prevent anal tissue damage. Specifically, this includes:

1. Use water-based lubricants

This is important, because the anus does not have natural lubrication as in the vagina. Therefore, your partner needs to use lubricants to provide comfort. Keep in mind that oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms. It would be better if you use special anal lubricants that contain benzocaine, it can reduce pain and make penetration more comfortable.

2. Do it slowly

This is very important, especially for those of you who have never had anal sex before. Do it step by step when exploring this area. You can start using your partner's fingers, then take this step on various occasions until it's time to continue exploring.

3. Pay attention to cleanliness

Make sure your partner has nails that have been cut and clean before starting exploration, this is done to avoid the entry of bacteria. After you have anal sex, avoid inserting the penis into your mouth or vagina before your partner uses a new condom.

Stop if you feel very sick. If you experience bleeding after anal sex or find a wound or swelling around the anus, check with your doctor as soon as possible.


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What are the risks that anal sex can cause?
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