Polite Rules When Coughing Everyone Must Obey


Medical Video: 25 Etiquette Rules Every Lady Should Know

Infection is still one of the health problems in the world, including in developing countries like Indonesia. The environmental and cultural conditions that exist in this country greatly affect the high incidence of infection. In everyday life without conscious cough reflexes often occur, this is very normal. But the effect is not normal if you do not realize or know the consequences of coughing that can remove spores from the mouth. It is important for you to know the ethics of coughing that you must obey every time you cough.

Ethical coughing is right according to health

Coughing ethics needs to be known, because from this you have acted in the process of preventing infection. Maybe when you cough, you will cover your mouth with your palm.

Your goal may be good, but it is not necessarily true and it will be a medium for the rapid spread of infection. By closing your palm, you have unconsciously moved bacteria from your palm to another person through touching or shaking hands.

Cough itself is one of the symptoms or signs that are often experienced by everyone. Good because of the presence of irritants such as smoke, dust, or foreign matter in the airways, or symptoms of an illness such as influenza, bronchitis, tuberculosis and several other diseases.

Interestingly in terms of health, coughing has etiquette regardless of whether the cough is caused by symptoms of an infectious disease or just a reflex of the body due to foreign or irritant objects. Here is a good and correct cough etiquette.

  • If you want to cough, immediately take a tissue to cover not only your mouth but also your nose.
  • Remove the tissue immediately after using it to cover the mouth and nose that you use when coughing into the trash can.
  • Because coughing is a reflex that cannot be controlled, there are times when you are not in a state of holding or carrying tissue. Cough up on your upper arm. Do not in the palm of your hand. Why? The upper arm is a part that rarely makes contact either with objects (such as door handles, cutlery, or telephone) or other people such as when you shake a hand.
  • Wash hands with soap and running water.
  • If soap and water are not available, we can use alcohol-based hand sanitizers with an alcohol concentration of at least 60%.

Why should cough use etiquette?

Ethics of cough have only one purpose, namely to control the spread of infections that occur when coughing. Not only in health facilities, but also in offices, schools, crowd centers and your home.

Coughing caused by irritants may not contain harmful germs. However, germs or normal flora in the oral cavity released during coughing, are likely to form colonies that can trigger infection.

Finally, use a mask if you cough or be near someone coughing. Try to keep away from others when you cough so you don't spread germs. If the cough is related to symptoms of the disease, it's a good idea to rest at home and avoid crowded places like offices and schools if possible.

So, cover your cough to prevent transmission of germs that can trigger disease for you and those around you. This rule also applies when you sneeze.

Polite Rules When Coughing Everyone Must Obey
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