5 Things That Are Commonly Causes of Pale Color Gum (Should You Worry?)


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Healthy gums should be colored in pink gradations - appear slightly brighter around the teeth and become darker at the bottom of the mouth. If the color of the gums turns pale, this may indicate a problem with your health condition that cannot be underestimated. What are the problems causing pale gum?

Various causes of pale gum that need to be consulted by a doctor

1. Anemia

anemia in women

Anemia occurs when the body lacks healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. When one organ does not get enough oxygenated blood, the color will turn pale - including the gums.

In addition to pale gums, anemia can also be characterized by various other symptoms such as:

  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Pale or yellowish skin.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness or light head.
  • Cold hands and feet.
  • Irregular heartbeat.
  • Short breath.

Anemia is caused due to lack of iron, folate, or vitamin B12. In addition, various health problems can also be causes of anemia such as excessive bleeding, liver and spleen disorders, hypothyroidism, and genetic disorders.

Eating foods rich in iron such as dark green leafy vegetables and meat helps overcome anemia. But for more details, you should check your health condition to the doctor. Your doctor may also prescribe a blood booster medication for you.

2. Leukoplakia


Leukoplakia is a white spot on the inside of the mouth including the gums. Usually, these white spots make the gums look pale. Not infrequently, these white patches can also be mixed with red spots that cannot be lost if cleaned.

Doctors do not know the exact cause, but various risk factors for leukoplakia are smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, and people who do not maintain good oral hygiene.

Leukoplakia is not always dangerous, but this condition can also be a sign of cancer if its appearance is red and white at the same time. Therefore, don't underestimate this if you notice discoloration in the gums and the area around the mouth. Immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause.

3. Menopause

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At menopause the body experiences fairly high hormonal changes. These hormonal changes can usually reduce blood flow to cause pallor and dry gums, to easily bleed. Gum infections that occur during menopause are called menopause gingivostomatitis.

Usually, this condition can be overcome with the help of hormone therapy. In addition, if gingivostomatitis occurs due to fungus, you will usually be prescribed topical antifungal creams such as nystatin or clotrimazole.

4. Oral lichen planus

treat pus on the gums

Oral lichen planus is a chronic condition that attacks the mouth in the form of white threads that arise slightly and develop throughout the mucous membrane of the gum. To diagnose this condition the doctor will do a biopsy, which is by taking a small portion of tissue from the affected area. Erosive oral lichen planus will usually cause open sores that can be treated using topical or systemic corticosteroids.

Because there is no specific treatment for oral lichen planus, the doctor will advise you to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Eating healthy foods, maintaining dental and oral hygiene, exercising regularly to stop smoking become various habits that you need to apply every day.

5. Vitamin K deficiency

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Vitamin K is a type of vitamin that helps the blood clotting process. If you experience vitamin K deficiency, the bleeding that you experience can be uncontrolled and result in various symptoms similar to anemia, one of which is pale gum.

To recognize it, the following symptoms appear if you experience vitamin K deficiency:

  • Bruises.
  • Pale skin.
  • Gag.
  • Seizures.
  • Dark stool.

The body always gives a signal that marks the overall health condition. Therefore, do not underestimate the slightest hint given by the body including one of them through the gums that change color.

5 Things That Are Commonly Causes of Pale Color Gum (Should You Worry?)
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