6 Home Remedies that Can Reduce Pain Due to Dental Impaction


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Tooth growth is not only limited to the age of children. Yes, you can still experience teething, especially wisdom teeth, when they have reached adulthood. Most people who experience this case complain of pain for mercy, because the arrangement of teeth that grow is not normal. This condition is known as tooth impaction. Then, is there a dental impaction treatment that can relieve the pain?

What are the options for dental impaction treatment?

Dental impaction is the growth of wisdom teeth (third molars) in the wrong direction. Normally, the teeth will grow straight up parallel to the other teeth. But in this case, the wisdom teeth actually grow tilted as if they were "lying" to the teeth next to it, or even difficult to get out so that they are trapped inside the gums.

The last way to treat dental impaction is by doing wisdom teeth surgery. That is why, impaction of teeth can not be considered trivial because in addition to disrupting the process of teething, the pain caused will also make you uncomfortable.

Actually this pain can disappear by itself, but it doesn't hurt to do some dental impact treatment to relieve pain and make your teeth feel more comfortable.

1. Cold compress

cold ice compress
Source: Health Ambition

You can reduce the pain caused by impacted teeth by compressing the jaw using ice cubes. Because the ice has the effect of numbness if it is left in the painful area for some time.

Don't forget to wrap the ice using a towel beforehand, then let it sit on the jaw that hurts for about 15 minutes.

2. Rinse salt water

the benefits of salt water for oral health

A study published in the Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry found that rinsing using salt water can help reduce bad bacteria in the mouth.

Gargling with salt water is believed to be a dental impaction treatment because it can relieve pain that can be caused by a buildup of bacteria around the teeth and gums. Salt water acts as a natural disinfectant that helps relieve infections.

It's easy to make it too, you just need to dissolve enough salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle for two or three times a day, until the pain improves.

3. Chew onion

how to store onions

Shallots have long been known to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This reason makes red onion believed to reduce inflammation, while fighting bacterial infections due to tooth impaction.

Before using, cut the onion until it is small enough. After that, chew the onion in the affected part of the mouth for a few minutes until the pain begins to decrease, then discard. Water extract from red onion will seep into the gum during the mastication process.

4. Use cloves

the benefits of cloves are

Aside from being a seasoning, cloves are also useful for painkillers in wisdom teeth. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Dentistry, that cloves have a numb sensation that can help reduce pain.

You can use cengeh that is still intact, or that is already in the form of oil. If you use whole cloves, you just put the clove on top of the teeth that experience impaction without having to chew. As for clove oil, drop oil several times over the cotton and place it on the sickest wisdom tooth.

5. Tea bag

tea bag

The bag of tea bags turns out to contain tannins which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, according to research conducted by the American Chemical Society in 2016. In other words, tea bags are considered capable of helping reduce inflammation and fight bacterial infections in tooth impaction.

As much as possible, use a cool bag of tea that has been left in the refrigerator before. Next, place the tea bag on the part of the tooth that is impacted.

6. Take medication

diarrhea medication

Other home remedies that you can do to reduce tooth impaction pain are by taking painkillers that are sold in pharmacies, such as ibuprofen. It is important to comply with the drinking rules listed on the drug packaging.

6 Home Remedies that Can Reduce Pain Due to Dental Impaction
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